5 Ways of Using SEO to Boost Business and Engagement

Photo by Lukas

It’s a primary function of SEO to boost business these days because you can use it to your advantage in search engines.

Here are some of the common ways you can use modern SEO.

1. Offer SEO as a Service

You might be well-versed in SEO and all its practices. But you couldn’t possibly handle a large volume of clients given the amount of time and resources that go into an SEO campaign. While you could personally handle a few, you risk burnout.

In addition, you may not be aware that you can offer the services of SEO agencies through your company using white label SEO agency packages. Under the name and identity of your brand, you sell the SEO products of another.

Your customers aren’t aware, but you pass them to an established agency that delivers results.

2. Understanding and Using SEO Fundamentals

Modern SEO methods should not replace traditional SEO. Instead, you should supplement your standard SEO practices with the latest SEO techniques. Despite being as relevant as ever, on-page, off-page, technical, and backlinks are used by a minor amount of small to medium businesses.

Furthermore, you must remember that quality content is essential to search engine optimization in the modern age. Written content is well-structured, up-to-date, relevant, and well-written. It should also be written for the target audience in a style they will understand.

3. Use Related Keywords SEO to Boost Business

Google’s crawler algorithm is more advanced than in the early days of search. In the past, search results were only based on exact match keywords. However, this left room for keyword stuffing, and sales teams took advantage of this.

However, today, Google uses numerous SEO metrics to see what your content is about. Fortunately, it can detect related keywords as well as focus keywords. And this is better for the reader and for your site.

So rather than keyword stuffing, you have a better chance of ranking higher by writing naturally for the reader.

4. Content Generated by Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are becoming more complex with today’s technology.

They are used by companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. And you can use AI tools to generate content. For instance, AI tools search the web for trending topics and provide suggestions based on these trends.

In some cases, AI may be of assistance in generating content when you’re stuck. Headline generators, for example, are helpful when coming up with a topic or structure for a new post. Be careful, though, as AI content becomes very generic.

5. Structured Data Content

We’ve been using structured data for a long time. These days it’s an integral part of Google search. The reason why structured data is so essential to search engines is that they show more information in search results. “Rich snippets” will show up at the top of the SERPs and include additional information a user might want.

For example, if you search for Stephen King’s latest book, you might see a list of snippets with stars indicating the rating. Further, you may get more information such as price comparisons or whether it’s available as an audiobook.


It can take a long time to learn and master SEO. But you can also outsource SEO for yourself or your clients. Modern SEO practices include structured data, AI tools, and related keywords.

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