5 Things To Do After A Car Accident

Every single year, the U.S. is witness to more than 6 million road accidents.

It’s a number that is steadily increasing, and with the billions of dollars that are injected into the safety of the roads, you’d expect those figures to decrease.

Unfortunately, this is not what’s happening. The numbers are growing, and it’s the smallest issue that can cause a car accident is largely due to human error.

Given that the numbers are so high, it would be beneficial if you know what to do If you are involved in an accident.

Below we’ve got five things that you should do after a car accident so that you can ensure that you can get the right compensation or defend yourself afterward.

#1 Always Stop

If you are involved in an accident, even just a graze on the car, always stop and stay at the scene. This is vital whether you are the victim or the cause.

If you run away, you make yourself look guilty and you can put yourself into a difficult position. Keep the scene protected by putting up emergency cones or lighting a flare, and put the emergency headlights on.

#2 Call The Police

Rosenfeld attorneys specialize in car accidents, and they will tell you that calling the police is one of the first things to do!

You should always call the police and report the accident, and you can then use that report in conjunction with your insurance claim.

You’ll be able to get the best advice with the right legal help on your side, and the police are crucial to this.

#3 Get Your Facts Right

As soon as the police arrive, you should explain exactly what’s happened – with no assumptions or guesses.

Make sure that the other people involved have given the right statement to the police, too, so that everything is in order.  You should ensure that neither you nor the other party was driving under the influence of any substances.

Otherwise, your case may turn from being a simple car accident to a criminal offense. And the procedure for the same will also be different. Relay these facts to your car accident lawyer (if you need one), so they have all the information required to help you if this goes to court and you need legal expertise.

#4 Take Photos

When you can – and if you can – take photos of the accident. Take photos of your car and the other person’s car. Take pictures of the road and anything that caused the accident in the first place.

You need to know that you have everything recorded so that your insurance company can refer to it when they are making their decisions about financial compensation and the replacement of your vehicle.

#5 Get Some Help

Many people in car accidents walk away without injury, and others don’t walk away at all. Then there are those who feel fine, but they’re not. They may require help medically, legally and financially. It’s therefore important that you use an experienced auto accident lawyer.

If you live in Texas, for example, Snellings Law (or elsewhere more relevant) will ask questions such as ‘Have you been involved in a Frisco car accident?‘ to ensure that they are able to provide the most location-relevant legal advice and help you understand the next steps. In many cases that the pain from the injury can happen later on after the accident, and so you should always get to a doctor after an accident occurs – just in case the injury isn’t a visible one.

Car accidents have become widely accepted in our society, and they shouldn’t be. We shouldn’t accept anything less than being safe on the road, and that’s why you need to know how to handle yourself after the event.

If you are injured or adversely affected in any way, you may be entitled to compensation. This means making a claim, and the thought of that can be offputting sometimes. However, why should you suffer financial losses because of someone else’s negligent behavior or poor driving?

A good car accident lawyer will work with you to gather the necessary information and documents and help you to put forward a claim for personal injury compensation.

Stay safe and know your rights after an accident – it could make a big difference.

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