5 Reasons Why Mission Trips are Becoming So Popular


We have all heard the saying, ‘Charity begins at home’. That is even truer when you decide to become charitable and give to those less fortunate than you. Your charity can and will make a difference to someone’s life, but more importantly, it will make a positive difference to your life too.

There are numerous reasons why charity is important for our lives. Research has shown that giving to those in need is more satisfying than giving to your own self. It is a privilege to have the power to improve the lives of others and acting on it reinforces the values and ethical beliefs that are rooted in our life principals.

Charity is often confused with just giving money. In reality, the charity covers any and everything that is required by those in need. It could be clothes for the poor, food or shelter for the homeless, your hair after a haircut for making wigs for children suffering from cancer, your time as a volunteer, your knowledge as an expert, or joining a mission trip – the list is endless.


#1 Mission Trips

Mission trips are a great way to give back to society. Sharing your expertise and your time to make a difference in the lives of someone else can be a highly rewarding experience. According to Carol Weisman from Board Builders (http://boardbuilders.com/), a charitable mission trip is a way to create a lasting, positive change in your life and the lives of others. Mission trips are also a great way to create a bond with others.

Working in an organization involves meeting other workers – but mostly for office related issues. A good way to create a bond amongst the people in the organization is to go on a mission trip. Putting up with each other for days in an environment that is different from what they are used to allows trust-building and brings forth the strengths of each individual. A bond built during the trip brings a positive impact when interacting in the workplace.

There are many benefits that corporate organizations can derive from being charitable. While lucrative tax savings is probably on top of the list, there are other tangible benefits that make the organization better and stronger.


#2 Bring in the Best

Organizations that show a commitment to corporate citizenship attract the best people to work with them. Offering volunteering/mission trips abroad as an incentive and/or reward is a good way to bring in the best.

Getting funding for these trips can be difficult but there are options.  One way to do this is to do a Go Fund Me mission trip https://www.gofundme.com/c/fundraising-ideas/mission-trips this will help you raise the funding for your mission trip.


#3 Build Team Culture and Develop Essential Skills

Working together as a team on a volunteering/mission trip helps develop essential skills in the team members. Attributes like resilience, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, and trust – important factors in building a strong corporate setup – are developed and honed on these missions.


#4 Bring Forth Innovation and Creativity

Working in an environment with different cultures, languages and social norms will help in bringing forth creative and innovative methods to problem-solving. These, in turn, can help the organization as the same people can inject new ideas in their workspace.


#5 Make the Difference

A mission trip enables you to serve while discovering a deeper sense of yourself. You can make a difference in the lives of others in more ways than you could ever imagine. So, go out and make the difference – in someone’s life as well as your own.


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