Can You Make Money Playing Video Games?


The simple answer to the question “Can you make money playing video games?” is yes. You can make a lot of money from playing video games.

The question lies in how to be successful in your career as a video game player.

Virtual Selling

Games like World of Warcraft, Eve Online, and Dota 2 are known for some of the virtual selling that goes on. Rare items in these games sell for thousands of dollars. 

While these items might be rare, if you get your hands on one it could become a very lucrative sale. Just make sure it is within the game’s Terms of Service to be able to do this so you aren’t accidentally banned.

Video Platforms

Some of the most successful gamers are those who stream their video game content to a large number of subscribers. Twitch and YouTube are the most in-demand and monetized platforms, but podcasts are also popular.

Avoid some of the smaller platforms that exist, such as Hitbox and Beam, as they don’t attract audiences large enough to turn playing video games into a career. Each platform varies in the type of content produced.


Twitch is known as a platform focused on “Let’s Play” style videos, where subscribers watch a user as he or she plays through a game. To turn your gameplay on Twitch into a business, you must be invited to Twitch’s Affiliate program. These videos are further monetized in a couple of ways: ads, sponsored content, and paid subscriptions.

The key factor in being successful on Twitch is having a lot of followers. However, building an audience is difficult because there are so many users, many of who are already established with followers in the hundreds of thousands.

In order to really attract an audience, you have to provide commentary that followers will find entertaining enough to pay attention to.


“Let’s Play” videos are also released on YouTube to high success. Also popular on YouTube are channels focused on reviewing games or discussing news updates in the gaming industry.

The main way to monetize here is also through ads and sponsored content. Users on YouTube are also greatly relying on Patreon, where users can fund their content, to monetize their videos.

It’s also difficult to break through on YouTube because of the wealth of user content. The key to success also stems from creativity and attracting an audience through unique commentary.

Equipment Is Key

Video content is the most sought-after by gamers, which is why the equipment used is so important. A high capacity gaming computer is necessary to showcase gameplay in a high-quality display. No one wants to watch pixelated gameplay that’s buffering the entire time.

So to avoid this, be sure to get the best possible gaming laptop available in the industry. Recording software is also necessary to put your videos out there. Integrating your voice without sacrificing gaming performance is important to connect with users and can be achieved with the Agora Quick Start Guide.

Careers in online video game content wouldn’t exist today without the technology that exists to play and release these videos.

Whether you’re producing a podcast or a fully integrated video, production quality will make or break you. Ensure that your finished product is well-edited and ready to be seen by game players everywhere.

The simple answer to the question “Can you make money playing video games?” is yes. You can make a lot of money from playing video games. The question lies in how to be successful in your career as a video game player.

So are you trying to earn a living playing video games?

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One Comment

  1. Among the most attractive things in this game would be, bossing, with friends, guildies however a powerful point of bossing is the income it provides,

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