4 Ways To Keep A Webstore Secure


In recent times, people are finding a much bigger need for online security than people ever expected.

With presidential emails being hacked, and celebrities having their personal photos leaked online; people are more conscious of security than ever.

And, this concern is something that should be shared by businesses, too. Most attacks on modern businesses, in recent times, have been the result of a service that they use being compromised.

Top help you with this area, this post will be going through some of the ways that you can make your website more secure.


#1 SSL Encryption

On a website, the very first step to something like this is SSL. SSL encryption makes the data being sent from customers to your servers unreadable by people who intercept it.

If you don’t have SSL in place, it’s easy for someone to get access to data that you don’t want them to have. So, you need to be secure.

Thankfully this is nice and easy. You just have to buy a certificate from your web host, who will be able to do the rest of the work for you.

Usually, these are sold at a yearly rate. But, you can do it for free if you’re willing to renew it each month. SSL is the most basic level of protection your site needs.

Along with it, you also need to make sure that forms are validated to make sure that files aren’t being uploaded.


#2 Use a Payment Processor Gateway

When you sell products, it’s always best for another company to do the legwork regarding moving the money. A lot of websites use this technique. And, the service you will need for it is called a payment gateway. These sorts of services can provide you with the means to take money from your customers with complete confidence. And, if anything ever goes wrong; the gateway company will be responsible, instead of you.


#3 Virtual Private Server

Different website hosts will offer different levels of security. And, so will the packages that they provide. Most small businesses can’t afford a dedicated server for their website.

Instead, though, you can use a virtual private server. This sort of service will offer the same level of security as a dedicated server.

But, it will only cost you a little bit more than using a shared one. This sort of service can vastly improve the security of your website; it will close backdoors that could give access to potential criminals.

And, it will give you a lot more control of the security software that’s used.


#4 Know the Law

It’s important to make changes like this to your site if you don’t already have them in place. Losing customer bank details or having them stolen could result in lawsuits.

In this case, you’ll need the help of a company like ShreveportLawyer.com to help you. This sort of case is considered to be very serious. And, without the right help; it will be hard to get the best outcome.

Even if something like this doesn’t go to court, it could still have a big impact on public opinion of your business.


Is Your Online Webstore Secure?

Hopefully, this will give you a good idea of what needs to be done if you want to make sure that your online store is as secure as possible. This sort of issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Hackers won’t wait for your site to be secure before they attack.

So what else have you done to protect your website from being hacked?  Share your thoughts and comments below.


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