How to Add a Little Personal Appeal To Your Ecommerce Business


If you’re running an online store, then you need to do what you can to foster customer loyalty and to keep them coming back to you and your line of products.

One of the best ways to do just that is to tug on their heartstrings.

Here, we’re going to look at how to give both your store and your products a little more personal appeal.


Don’t sell products that don’t meet their standards

This might sound like an easy answer, but you might be surprised how much effort has to go into it. As your offerings increase, you might find you have some products that aren’t quite as high standard as the others.

You may be able to see this in the product reviews of by getting your hands on it yourself. Either way, if they risk the reputation of quality you want in the brand, the risk your customer’s satisfaction, and you should get rid of them. This is key to success of the business.


Stamp the brand on it

You want to make sure that it’s a relationship between not just the customer and the product that you’re fostering, but a connection between them and the brand.

As such, you should take what opportunity you can to re-enforce that brand and encourage recognition and connection. Having hang tags attached to your products with the brand can be a way to do that.

So, too, should you consider stamping your logo on the boxes you send out.


Ensure the best in customer support

If you want customers to feel like they’re valued by the brand, then you have to be willing to listen to them as individuals.

Implementing better customer service practices, such as responding to concerns through social media and using on-site chat apps, can help them feel heard.

This can assure them that you’re taking their feedback on board, which fosters their loyalty.


Keep in touch

Being quick to respond and to listen to their concerns is one thing. However, if you have the customer’s attention, you should make use of it by maintaining contact over the long term.

The best way to do this, currently, is through an email marketing campaign. Make sure that you’re delivering content that they want to read, however.

You can customise your email newsletters so that they only get the content they’re interested in, too.


Add a little extra

Sending a package to some customers? Throw a sweet treat in there, or something they can pamper themselves with.

It will add a little additional cost to every package that you send out, but you might be surprised at just how effective it is at giving your customers the warm fuzzies. It won’t buy them off completely, but when mixed with the tips above, it helps create that connection a lot.

Don’t underestimate the strength of an emotional connection when it comes to retaining customers. Your people are a lot less likely to jump ship from one brand to another if they think they have some kind of relationship with yours.

What are you doing to add a little personal appeal to your ecommerce business?

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