7 Basics to Conduct Business Virtual Video Conference

Video conferencing is one of the most wonderful and innovative new tools for conducting business.
You are able to coordinate a group conference from the comfort of your own home and allow participants to engage fully in learning.
Video conferencing is a very helpful option for many people who require high levels of engagement in their learning activities.
Here are seven basics for conducting business in a video conference.
#7: Lead the Way
For a video conference to work effectively, you need to establish your leadership in the conversation.
People in the conference need to understand that they can go to you to ask questions to comprehend the information you’re presenting. You should lead the way through an outline structure that you develop ahead of time.
You should lead the conversation by being informative and educational.
#6: Reference Resources
You need to reference proper resources when you are writing your outline for the video conference.
This means that you need to go to resources such as government websites and collegiate websites to understand information relevant to your subject better. For example, suppose you are teaching a video conference on scientific research of vaccines.
In that case, you need to go to the health website to gain statistical information on the subject. You should write your outline according to this statistical information and make sure that you keep the talking points of the video conference concrete rather than abstract.
#5: Address Questions
You need to make ample time for your participants to ask questions. This means that you should have a portion at the end of your video conference, at least 10 minutes in length, in which people can ask questions.
You need to make sure that everybody fully understands the main talking points of the conference, which involves allowing people to ask questions about the material.
You should also let people know that they can raise their hands throughout the conference to ask questions. You should take your participant’s questions thoughtfully and always answer them to the fullest of your ability according to the knowledge you’ve acquired.
#4: Dress Well
The participants in the video conference are looking to you to lead the conversation, so you need to show up with a good presentation. This means that you need to dress well in full clothing, including a nice collared business shirt.
You should also do your hair to sleep back in a bun above the collar, which is standard practice for workplace attire.
You should put on only a light amount of makeup if any, and you should make sure that your appearance is very professional. You do not want to put on an excess of eyeshadow or lipstick, as this will distract from the point you are trying to make.
#3: Make Sure Your Technology Works
You need to make sure that your technology is in good working order ahead of time & that you have done any troubleshooting necessary to ensure the effectiveness of your computer system, your phone system if you are using one, and your tablet system if you are using one.
You need to have done double checks on your wireless internet to make sure that it will be working effectively during the video conference. You need to speak with your wireless carrier if you have any issues with your wireless connection.
You need to make sure that all of your video conferencing tools are working properly. This means that you need to do a test run of your video conferencing software ahead of time with a friend or colleague and ensure that all aspects of the app are working to their full perfection.
You should also make sure that your application is downloaded to your phone or tablet if you are using either one of these for the video conferencing process. Try and search for the best video conferencing solutions that you can use.
#2: Use a Laptop
You should only use a phone or laptop for video conferencing as an absolute last resort. A laptop is much more effective, as you are able to more effectively use high-speed internet on a laptop device.
You can also use a desktop computer. These two devices are more effective for video conferencing because you can stream video conferencing information at a higher speed than you can with 4G data on a tablet or phone.
You also will have the added benefit of being able to use the keyboard.
#1: Know Your Participants
You probably have been working with your coworkers with who you will video conference for a number of years. This being said, you should consider your knowledge of your participants when structuring your video conference.
You should use references to TV shows that you know your participants like and to celebrities that you’re participants like.