Could a Career in Accountancy Be for You?


Choosing the right career can be a long and complex journey. Sure, some people will walk right onto the career path that will lead them to the job of their dreams.

But the majority of us have to engage in a process of trial and error when it comes to finding a position that we truly enjoy. To give yourself the best chances of finding a role that’s good for you, it’s a good idea to have a good overview of the position you’re interested in.

If you’re considering a career in accountancy, let’s take a moment to determine whether accountancy could be right for you!


What Do Accountants Do?

The primary role of an accountant is to prepare and examine others’ financial records on their behalf. If you become an accountant, you’re likely to deal with self-employed individuals and business owners.

These people have to sort out their own tax and their employees’ tax – if you are employed, your employer deals with your taxes on your behalf, removing your need to deal with an accountant.

Clients will generally provide you with their financial records and will often expect you to be able to tell them how much tax they owe.

You can help to ensure that they are paying the right amount and that these sums are paid on time – reducing your clients’ chances of incurring fees and fines or coming into trouble. You can also provide information on how to better manage their finances, where areas of their work should spend more or less, and how their work can become more profitable.


Salary Expectation

One of the most attractive aspects of a career in accountancy is the salary attached to the role. As we have previously mentioned, accountancy can be an extremely lucrative job.

The average accountant makes around $68,150 a year. If you are particularly good in the role, you could join the top ten percent of best-paid accountants, who took home an average of $120,910 in 2016.


Becoming an Accountant

The accounting industry is strictly regulated. So, you’re going to have to gain qualifications according to the rules laid out where you’re planning to operate.

Generally, you will have to complete a three-year-long basic degree in accountancy and you may want to complete extra courses in more specialist areas afterward.

When you are qualified and ready, you should start your path towards becoming employed as an accountant by looking into Accounting and Finance Staffing. These career consultants will help to guide you on the right path.



If you gain experience in accounting but do decide it isn’t quite right for you down the line, you do have alternatives. You’ll be in possession of a skill set that could set you up for a great career as:

  • An economist
  • A data analyst
  • A business development manager
  • A mortgage advisor
  • A tax advisor

Hopefully, the above information has helped you to determine whether pursuing a career in accountancy could be something that interests and engages you!

Are you thinking about a career in accountancy?

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