4 Old SEO Tactics that Will Retain Their Value in 2019


2019 is on top of us, and everything is bragging about the changes it will bring. The story is no different when it comes to the online marketplace, especially SEO.

But apart from the changes, its time we discuss some tried and tested methods that will retain their relevance this year as well.

So, following we will discuss some old SEO tactics, you shouldn’t leave behind


#1 Featured Snippet

The new year will bring its changes, but you can’t overlook some proven tactics. Featured Snippets will remain strong in the upcoming year as well. These are the condensed clips of information where are placed on top of SERP.

These provide search engine users with a summary of content along with the link to their website. They take more than 10% of organic traffic. This is why you must curate your content accordingly.

There ware more likely the short answer to long tail searches. If done right, they have a major and positive impact on your reader’s user experience. The search engine users are tempted to look right for their snippets instead of below results. You need to benefit from this by carefully putting together your data and content. It helps to keep your content to the point.


#2 Mobile

For years, we have been seeing Mobile optimization in new year SEO trends. We hate to admit that 2019 will be no different. Yes, there are some major changes introduced in the marketplace, and you must accommodate them if you want to stay in the picture.

Mobile search has surpassed desktop search, and Voice Base search will take it to new heights. Google has already made a big move with Google Search along with every other brand introduce their own assistant recently.

But we expect the mobile search trend will reach new limits this year and it will be a major factor that will help your sites rank. Scottsdale SEO expert insists on implement a new strategy that will accommodate voice search.


#3 Quality Content is Still Important

This is an age-old story; the quality of your content remains on top. If you want to succeed online, then you must make qualitative and relevant content, just avoid oversaturation of it. The fact is, people are selective about what they read, watch and explore.

Therefore, its imperative that you invest time and effort in your content. 2019 will be the year when we will see major implementations in Voice search, AI, personalized search and others. So, take them into account if you want to navigate through competitive waters.


#4 Internal Links

Once you create good content, you will need to promote it. Therefore, you must link your content internally to other pages of your site. This means you will have to edit some old posts to include new links

As you take care of that, you will have to focus on external links. These are the links you get from other websites. Google relies on external links to determine how good your post is. This makes sense as link building is important to rank higher.

Are there any old SEO tactics that you use that work great for you?

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