Working While Disabled: The Essential Guide


There is a lot of confusion around working when you are disabled. Both from people within the community, and those that have little experience of it, imposing their ideas onto us.

Of course, the more we can discuss such issues and how those with disabilities relate to them, the more information we can get out there. Info that could potentially help the next person struggling with this topic to make the right decision.

To that end, read on for more about working & disability.


Should I work?

This is most definitely a question that many differently-abled people ask themselves. Of course, there is no cut and dried answer to this because it will depend on the individual involved, their condition, and the opportunities around them.

You could say that it’s always good to ask this question, even if the answer ends up being no for you right now. The reason being that it ensures you retain your autonomy when it comes to both your condition and career.

It also ensures that you don’t get taken in by the ablest view that disabled people can’t work.

In fact, asking this question, and allowing the possibility of both yes and no as answers also leaves you room to care for your physical and medical needs as well, when required. Something that differently-abled people also have to regularly factor into their lives.


What should I do for a job?

The next question many disabled people ask is what type of job they should do? Again, there will be no one size fits all answer here. In fact, the right job for you will depend on a range of factors, including your qualifications and personal preference.

What we are saying here is that it’s never a great idea to get a job solely based on its match to your type of disability. Yes, you may find a job that will suit your capabilities. However, if you don’t have a passion for what you are doing, it’s unlikely that you’ll find rewarding or satisfying in the long term.


Where can I find a job?

The good news regarding the question above is that there are many places you can get a job as a disabled person. In fact, most companies are required by law to consider and accommodate those that are disabled in their organisations, just as they would with abled-bodied people.

Additionally, some providers offer specialist disability employment services too. Something that means they will advocate for you with your potential employer.

They can even help you get workplace modifications you need to make too. A service that can not only help you to land the job of your dreams but make it much easier for you to work on a day to day business as well.


Is part-time a good option?

Disable doesn’t have to equal part-time when it comes to working. In fact, many differently-abled people work full time just like their abled bodies colleges.

Of course, that isn’t to say that choosing to work part-time isn’t a good thing if it helps you to manage working and your condition better.

In fact, you may find that employers are much more open to part-time employment that you expect them to be. After all, it is often a strategy that saves them money while still ensuring they get to retain the best people for the task they need completing.

The same goes for remote or home working as well. Something that can be particularly useful for those of us with physical or mental conditions that make travel such as driving or using public transport difficult.

In fact, if you cut out the issue of having to make it to the office by 9am every day, work can become instantly a lot more easy to manage for many people.



Finally, when it comes to working when you have a chronic condition or are disabled, you must learn to be able to provide yourself with compassion.

After all, you will have others’ opinions to contend with, as well as the expectations that your employer places on you.

Of course, you will then need to balance these with your condition and maintain your health, which even for abled bodied people can be a tall order.

To that end, being able to take a compassionate approach rather than a perfectionist one at yourself during your working week is crucial. In fact, doing so can help you to have a more positive and pleasant experience.

Something that will ensure that you can continue to work for as long as you decide to.

Are you thinking about working while you’re disabled?

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