How To Ensure Your Medical Practice Is Serving The Needs Of Your Community

If you are looking for ways to better serve the community in which your medical practice is based, keep reading for some stellar suggestions.
Be aware of bias and do what you can to correct it
The sad truth of the matter is that we live in a society that has its fair share of bias.
Indeed, bias and in some cases institutional discrimination is faced by people of color, women, LGBT+, the obese, and those of a lower economic status every day in the medical industry and woe betide you if you happen to fit into two or more of the categories mentioned!
Of course, there is much we can do to counter such bias, with the first step being to educate ourselves and our staff on the issue, and teach them both how to spot it and fight it when dealing with patients.
Keep up with technical developments
Another important aspect of serving the community in which we practice is staying up to date with the latest technical developments. This is where practice management software comes in handy such as Behavioral Health EHR.
As tech has become such a massive part of most people’s lives investing in equipment that can make elements of health care more relevant, engaging, and accessible to them can do a lot of good.
For example, swapping to skin blood sugar monitors instead of needle sticks can both make your diabetic patients’ lives easier, and help them retain more agency over their condition and treatment.
Similarly, by investing in a handheld ultrasound machine for your pregnant patients they can have instant access not only to photos of their scan but videos that are easily shareable with friends and family as well. All, while saving your practice valuable space.
Keep educating your staff
While it is vital that you do your best to keep up with developments in care and medicine, no one can possibly know everything, or have an insight into every individual’s particular experience or situation.
With that in mind, regular training and education are other vital aspects of properly servicing the community in which your practice is situated.
Indeed, education and training must be provided not only on the medical and technical aspects of patient care but on softer skills such as communication to ensure that each individual is listened to and the correct care can be provided to them.
Listen and act on community feedback
Last of all to truly serve the community in which your medical practice is situated you must listen to what they have to say. Indeed, one of the most valuable resources for any organization or business is to listen to the feedback that their clients offer.
This is because this information will feature the areas that require improvement, and it is by bettering the services offered in these lacking places that you can offer the very best and well-matched care.
To that end, encouraging patient feedback even if it is negative is vital for any practice that wishes to grow and improve.
Therefore adding a suggestion box in your office, sending out text or email questionnaires to patients, or even opening up objective review service accounts online can be incredibly useful.