3 Tips to Make Your Employees Happy


Your employee’s happiness should always be at the front of the mind. But if we’re all honest, it really isn’t, is it? The more employees you have, the harder it becomes to keep them happy.

So many factors go into making them happy. They need good attention, good incentives, and a good working environment. There will obviously come a time when the work they’re doing will become a bit boring for them.

But this is understandable if you’re doing the same thing over and over, it does become rather boring. This is when you need to pounce and try and bring up their happiness levels.

With the few tips we’ve got below, you can do just that.


#1 Office Life

Office life is one of the main reasons employees feel dragged down. Why do you ask?

Well, they’re just so boring. The atmosphere can be dull, the room just generally looks boring, and the amount of time they have to spend in there a day can become annoying.

The first thing you need to do is make everywhere look a bit better. Get the best office desks and chairs. Put your focus on the chairs, the comfier the better with this one. With the desks, you want to make sure they’re as spacious as possible.

You can even get ones that go up and down, so your employees can have a stand whenever they want. Then you need to be thinking about the room as a whole.

Try and make it as bright and inviting as you can. Even just adding color to the walls can spruce the place up a little. In the corner, you could put a little chill out area that’s always stocked with snacks.

Allow your employees to take a five-minute break every hour to refresh and relax.


#2 Incentives

This is what will drive your employees to happiness. They like to have something to work towards, and they like money. This is going to work wonders for the both of you.

The more incentives you give, the harder they work, the more sales are made for you. So, each month, set how many sales you’d like them to make, or how many products you’d like to be produced.

Offer the winner in return a nice bonus at the end of the month. Or perhaps even a free day off. The lure of actually winning something will keep them happy and entertained.


#3 Your Relationship With Them

This is one of the most important parts of keeping them happy. You need to try and have a love, hate relationship with them. They’re not supposed to love you all the time, and nor are you them.

If so, the workplace would just be too relaxed, and there might be a lack of respect. But the main thing you do need to make sure you’re doing is speaking to them with respect, and never talking down to them.

If you do need to have a word with someone about something they’re doing wrong, always be polite and address the issue, rather than making it seem like they’re the worst people in the world.

What are you doing to make your employees happy?  These are just a few of the things I do for my employees but I would like to hear from you now.  Share your thoughts and comment below and lets chat about it.

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