11 Tips to Working Safely On The Go For The Traveling Business Owner

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There are plenty of business owners who get all of their matters handled from the office. However, there are those who run their businesses best while traveling.

This might be because you have a wide range of clients that you constantly have to visit, or because the nature of your business means that you have to be in various different locations at different times, such as working as a business consultant.

While jet-setting from destination to destination can be undoubtedly exciting, not to mention glamorous, there is no denying that it can also be physically demanding.

Here, we’re going to look at a few tips to make sure that you take care of yourself and stay safe while constantly on those roads. Read on to learn how to protect yourself.


1. Watch your back

If you’re constantly traveling, then you are likely to be spending a lot of your time sitting down. This might be in the car, on the train, on planes, and so on.

Whatever the case, it’s important to find opportunities to get up and move around, as well as to stretch more often where possible.

Otherwise, you could be at a high risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries, including back pain and joint inflammation that can become a hassle to deal with.

This is impacted by other risk factors, such as your weight, which we are going to address further. However, never forget how essential it is to keep moving while waiting for transport, such as walking up and down the train station until your train arrives.


2. Take long road trips with care

If you’re personally driving yourself from location to location, then you must make sure that you’re doing as much as possible to stay comfortable while driving.

Issues of discomfort, such as foot cramps, eye strain, and neck stiffness can make you a lot more prone to accidents on the road. Furthermore, you may be at a greater risk of the musculoskeletal injuries mentioned above.

There are also the risks associated with drowsy driving if you’re going on particularly long trips. You have to account for rest stops when you’re driving long distances and, where possible, avoid driving late at night.

If you have to stop somewhere for a nap, then you should do so.


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3. Protect your business from accidents

There is always the chance that something could go wrong out there, leaving you out of business for a while.

Transport accidents are exceeding common and it’s important to know how to handle them to mitigate the financial repercussions that they might have for the business.

Seeking legal action if someone else has caused a road accident is something you probably don’t need to be reminded of. However, it doesn’t just apply to drivers that hit your car or cause you to have an accident.

A taxi cab accident lawyer can make sure that any of the costs of an accident even in a taxi are paid.

That way, if you’re put out of work, you may be able to recoup not just the money necessary to pay any health care bills, but some lost revenue as well.


4. Stay hydrated

Do you find yourself getting prone to things like headaches, nausea, and bouts of lethargy while you are traveling?

While it can be the result of many things, from a poor choice of breakfast to good old-fashioned travel sickness, one of the most common causes of these little niggling worries is failing to get as much water as you need.

Aside from carrying a travel water bottle with you and washing and filling it at every opportunity, you should avoid dehydrating yourself by over-indulging in alcohol or caffeine while traveling.

As a business owner, it’s fairly reasonable to assume you might have to indulge at some point, but you should limit it, especially if you have a long travel day coming up.


5. Mind your calories

While you’re traveling from city to city, and even country to country, it can be undeniably hard to deny yourself from simply reaching for easy comfort foods, not to mention trying out all manner of local cuisines.

You don’t want to completely avoid restaurants and the like, as treating your customers to a fancy meal might very well be part of the job.

However, if you’re alone, then try to opt for the healthier option when possible. Airports tend to have some pretty high-calorie options always at the ready.

However, if you’re not able to prepare healthy travel meals for yourself, then you should ask local restaurants for their health options, at least.


6. Try to stick to a routine with food

Things might be a little too hectic occasionally and you might just find yourself skipping a meal here and there. However, you should do what is in your power to make sure that this does not become a regular occurrence.

Skipping meals, and skipping breakfast especially, can be a very unhealthy habit. Breakfast helps get your metabolism running at the start of the day, meaning you more effectively process your food into energy.

Furthermore, when you skip meals, you are more likely to over-snack in between meals as a result, or to go for larger portions than you normally would.

If you’re aiming to eat healthily, then you should be trying to make it easier on yourself by sticking to a routine with your food.


Photo by William Choquette from Pexels

7. Find your nearby gyms

When you arrive at a new location, then your first port of call should be to find a gym that you can easily visit. To make sure you don’t run into any issues such as membership questions, you might want to consider exclusively staying at hotels that offer gyms.

This way, you can make sure that you keep up with your workouts wherever you might be going.

Of course, you don’t need a gym to simply go running outside, but if you’re trying to maintain a healthy body, then you’re likely to want a more robust workout than just a little cardio, alone.

Make it a priority to look for a gym as soon as possible.


8. Pick up some exercise wherever you can

Sometimes, you might not necessarily have a gym at the ready to help you get your full workout on. This is just a fact of life, and you shouldn’t feel demoralized as a result. Instead, you should make sure to remember that something is better than nothing.

With bodyweight exercise apps, for instance, you can make sure that you get your blood pumping and that you do enough reps to keep you in better condition no matter where you are.

As said, if you can go for a run or even rent a bike, you can turn whatever city you are in into your gym, as well.


9. Try to plan things to allow for sleep

If you spend a lot of your time traveling, then you can pretty accurately determine that it is, in some way, going to affect your sleep. If you’re traveling between timezones, then jet lag is going to raise its ugly head.

Otherwise, even long commutes by car or by train can leave you exhausted. As such, you should aim to plan ahead and give yourself enough time that you’re able to catch up on your sleep.

If you have a plane flight at 4 am and then a meeting scheduled on the other side for 11 am, it’s only natural you’re going to be fighting sleep. Give yourself the time you need to sleep where possible.


Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels

10. Research your destinations

Whenever you find out that you are heading to a new country or a remote state, then you should do your best to research ahead and find out if there are any health concerns that you should be thinking about.

For instance, you want to make sure that you know whether or not the drinking water is safe, as well as what precautions you should take against insects like mosquitoes.

Otherwise, you should also look at whether or not you’re going to need any vaccines to travel there. If you’re traveling more domestically as opposed to overseas, this tip might not be as essential.

However, it does pay to know if there are any health risks specific to that location all the same.


11. Protect your immune system

Even if there aren’t any specific diseases that you should be concerned about when traveling to a new destination, you should still bear in mind that you’re more likely to catch illnesses than others, such as the common cold and the flu.

A business person who travels from place to place is going to come in contact with so many more people and so many more chances for infection.

As such, aside from making sure that you follow good hygiene as best as possible, such as keeping hand sanitizer on you at all times, you should work to improve your immune system.

A healthy diet, supported by probiotic supplements that improve your gut health, can reduce your chances of catching every sickness that comes your way.

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