How To Calm Your Nerves Before Your Exam


There are a number of different ways you can control your nerves, but there is no denying that being prepared is the best approach.

If you have revised effectively and completed exam papers in this period, you will feel much better going into your exam. You will feel confident and prepared, and this will help to control any nerves you may be experiencing.

There are other ways that you can reduce exam anxiety. Planning your revision is of paramount importance. Make sure you seek help and guidance if you do not understand something.

You also need to set aside plenty of time for studying and you will need to minimize home study distractions. Taking breaks is also important.  One thing I also like to do is a physic reading to give some sense of what is in store for me and help calm my nerves.

You will feel wrecked long before your exam if you study 24/7. Break up your day with activities and make sure you have one day per week that is completely free of revision.

It is also a good idea to exercise regularly, rest and eat quality food, for example, lots of vegetables, as well as fruit, nuts and wholemeal pasta.

The night before the exam, the nerves can really start to mount up. There are numerous ways you can control these nerves, including eating something – crackers and bread are good tummy settlers, and learning how to relax in advance.  You can also do a physic reading to help calm your nerves.  Here is a list of the best physic reading sites on the internet to help you get started.

I’ve also found that doing a psychic reading is a great way to relieve stress the night before a big exam as well.  These people are trained to read your future and the best part is you can do it all online.  Here is a great article that covers 5 of the top places to get an online psychic reading.


Time Management Tips For Your Exam

Knowing how to manage your time in an exam is so important. If you run out of time, you are missing out on a lot of potential marks. Having an effective strategy to manage time during your exam can really help you when it comes to calming those nerves!

Using past papers is the best way to hone your time management skills, as you get to grips with what the real exam is going to be like. You can take one of the practice papers in real exam conditions, and see how long it takes you. This will give you a good idea regarding how much work you need to do on your time management skills.

If you are over the allotted time, it is a good idea to give yourself a certain amount of time per question, and then a period of time, in the end, to go over everything or go back to questions, and see how you fare.

A lot of people find that this approach is better for them, as the reason for their poor time management is because they linger on questions they are unsure about for too long.

Of course, one reason that you could be struggling is simply that you need to do more revision! Aside from this, never leave your exam early, plan for long answers, and start with something you really can do – don’t launch into the hard stuff first.

So there you have it: some helpful tips to make sure you are able to calm those nerves before your exam and feel more prepared. Good luck!

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