4 Things To Look For in a CRM Solution
It’s been said many times, in many ways and it continues to be true… The customer is the king. In fact, in an era where competition is fierce and digital avenues afford customers easier access to your competitors than ever, you’d better be prepared to put the crown on their head and hand them their scepter… Because they’re kinglier than ever!
Unless you can provide your customers with outstanding customer service each and every time they use your business… Don’t expect them to stick around until you mend your ways. And in an aggressively competitive business landscape, your loss will inevitably be your competitors’ gain.
A CRM solution like HubSpot, for example, can be an invaluable tool. Not only can they great continuity of customer service and allow you to keep in touch with customers to ensure they don’t lapse, but they can also help to make your operations much more efficient. Plus, if you decide to use a freelance hubspot consultant, you can also be in charge of your sales, marketing, and automation.
The key is to choose the right one for you. And that can be tricky if you’re not sure what you need to look for. Here are some things you should be looking for in a CRM solution…
Is it built with the needs of your industry in mind?
Every industry (and indeed every business) has subtly different needs from their CRM. Some will use it predominantly to help coordinate their outbound marketing campaigns, while others may use it to unify multiple platforms for greater operational efficiency.
Whatever CRM you use it should be chosen with the specific needs of your industry in mind. Even if you choose a more generic CRM, you should still have the option to install plugins like the one seen here at bcerp.com.
This works in tandem with Microsoft’s CRM tool Dynamics 365 and helps in the automation of routine administrative tasks which brings us to…
Can it help you to operate more efficiently?
In the digital age, why get a human to do a machine’s job. When your employees spend less time on tedious administration they have less time and attention to spend delivering outstanding customer service.
In this regard, CRMs and associated plugins can give your business something that we could all use a little more of… The gift of time.
Is it accessible from wherever you need to be?
Neither your business nor your obligation to your customers end at your desk. Digital technology has proven invaluable in helping businesses get out of the office and empower their workforce through remote working.
If you have employees who work from home or sales professionals who spend most of their days on the road, your CRM needs to be readily available to them no matter where they are or what device they’re using.
Fortunately, a lot of the best CRM solutions are mobile!
Is it easy to import and export data?
Your CRM solution should be your one-stop hub for all the customer information you need. Without a CRM this information may be scattered across numerous programs and data repositories.
The less time you can spend incorporating all of this into your CRM the better. Fortunately, many CRMS communicate very well with other business tech solutions, making it quick and easy to import and export data.
Are you looking for a CRM for your business?