4 Surefire Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged


As a business owner, there is nothing worse than looking around the office and seeing deadpan faces staring aimlessly at their computer screens.

You may not think your employees are driven enough, but what are you doing to keep them engaged? Imagine working solidly for a whole month on a project only to get a brief “thank you” nod as you walk past your boss in the corridor.

This isn’t going to keep your members of staff happy, so think about a few ways to improve employee engagement.


#1 Offer Incentives

Sometimes a little reward and recognition go a long way when it comes to keeping your employees engaged. The experts at Surprise HR can structure a program to fit your organization and budget.

Your employee will receive an email with an invite to a surprise in the form of an engaging online game. These small touches to your business will create a sense of excitement in the workplace.

Your employees will be eager to earn rewards, which will keep their motivation levels high at all times.


#2 Explain Their Progression Options

When your employees know exactly where they are going in their career, they will feel much more motivated to get there.

Having career prospects is something that every individual wants for themselves, so don’t shy away from offering great prospects to your hard-working members of staff.

Every month or so you can create an action plan so that your employees can keep reaching for their goals. This regular catch up will ensure that everyone is always on track to attaining their chosen career eventually.


#3 Ensure the Team Gels

There is nothing worse than watching a chaotic team trying to work on a project together. When you hire new employees you need to consider their personality and work ethic as well as their qualifications.

When somebody doesn’t fit into the team it can have a detrimental effect on your workforce as a whole. If you notice somebody in the team who isn’t quite pulling their weight or contributing in a positive way, you might need to address this with them privately.


#4 Learn What Makes Them Tick

You want to be able to retain your great employees, so finding out what makes them tick is the secret. Younger employees are said to prefer time off rather than financial rewards, so take this into consideration.

Ask them what they would like to see more of in the workplace, whether it’s flexible working or more opportunities for overtime. The more you can cater to your employees’ needs the more successful your strategies will be.

Seeing your employees work together as a solid team will make you extremely proud as a business owner. With a little bit of guidance, they will soon understand that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Explore reward schemes, check in with each individual and make sure the team is gelling cohesively.

As soon as you have instilled these practices you will be one step closer to a happier workforce.

What are you doing to keep your employees more engaged?

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