5 Description-Writing Rules to Follow When Listing a House: Are You Getting Enough Views?
Many people selling houses fail to realize the importance their description has when it comes to actually get views and securing those all-important viewings.
For many properties, the description will create the first impression and will make or break whether the reader is interested or not. This is why it’s so important to get it right.
With this in mind, today we’re going to explore the five essential tips you need to know when it comes to writing the perfect house listing to help you guarantee to get more views and acquire more property viewings.
1 – Be Concise, Specific, and Direct
Nobody wants to read through a property description filled with fluff content to find what they’re looking for.
That’s why it’s far more beneficial to be straight to the point, or at least start with being concise and have the fluff at the end once you’ve grabbed their attention.
When you’re talking about your property’s neighborhood, location, key features, and all the obvious things homeowners want to know off the bat, cut to the chase and don’t beat around the bush. This is the key to selling my house fast.
2 – Describe the Property’s Uniqueness
Every property is different, and one of your most important selling points will come with what makes your property unique. You need to make sure you’re taking the time to highlight this USP to grab your reader’s attention and draw them into wanting your property.
3 – List Benefits, Not Details
Far too many property listings simply consist of a list of features that the home has. But this doesn’t really provide any value to the reader.
It’s like saying a new television has a million pixels. No one really cares the television has that many pixels. However, they do care about the overall image quality.
When writing about the features of your home, briefly mention the details, but then go into how these features will benefit or provide value to the homeowner in their daily life. Get creative and create an image in your reader’s head.
4 – Use Visual Language; Create an Image
Hand in hand with the consideration above, you want to make sure you’re using language and terminology that actively creates an image in your reader’s head.
It’s all well and good detailing what your property is about, but sales come from the reader visualizing themselves living in the property.
For this to work effectively, you want to make sure you’re defining your ideal buyer and then targeting the advertising to suit what they’re looking for. Consider the age, income, relationship status, and property requirements to achieve this effect.
5 – Proofread and Improve Your Listing Quality
When a property listing is full of spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical errors, it doesn’t make the property listing easy to read, and can actually create a poor impression of the property itself. Make sure you’re proofreading your content.
When listing your property, you want to give your reader the best experience possible, which in turn creates the best impression that will make them want to buy.
As you can see, these are five straightforward tips to remember when it comes to writing an effective property description.
Be mindful of the content you’re writing, and you’re sure to see a boost in views and viewings almost instantly.
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