7 Mind-Blowing Real Estate Facts You Need to Know


Most people don’t think that anything in real estate can surprise them – isn’t it all really boring? But every industry has its secrets, and real estate is no different.

From big surprises to small ones, this article aims to showcase seven mind-blowing real estate facts that you need to know.


#1 Home Ownership Helps Build Wealth

Having a home is the fastest way to provide yourself with wealth since a home is likely the biggest tangible asset that anybody will have during their lifetime.

It is for these types of reasons that McDonald’s, for example, is so keen on buying up land. Homes are the best way to build your wealth possible, as they have endless opportunities for extensions and changes which can increase their value.


#2 Owning the Place you live can Save you in Tax Money

People who own their own homes pay less in taxes than those who rent. When you own your own home, you become eligible for a variety of real estate tax returns and credits – in both local and federal taxes.

#3 Buyers and Sellers both like Working with the Pros

Everyone enjoys working with real estate professionals, such as those in David Parnes real estate.

People who worked with an estate agent when buying said that they were integral to helping find the right home, while estate agents themselves are happy that people work with them for this reason, and also because if a seller works with a real estate agent, that agent can help them to make more money on the sale than if they did it alone.


#4 Making your House look its Best Helps you Sell it

This might not come as a surprise to many people, but making your house look its best means that you stand a better chance of selling it when and if the time comes.

Tidy your house, and make sure that, while it is clear that people live there, their lives haven’t taken over the place.

On another note, make sure that your house is spruced up for viewing; repaint the white walls to make them look their best, deep clean all corners of the house, and maybe clean cushion covers, among other things.


#5 Bake Bread or Make Coffee to Sell your House

It might sound like a cliché, but before you have viewings, bake some bread, or grind and brew fresh coffee. The building will smell wonderful, and you will make the potential buyer more amenable to becoming an actual buyer.


#6 Doing it Yourself is no Longer in Vogue

There are still some people who like to handle things themselves entirely, but these people are dying out. More people are moving to using professionals.


#7 Doing it Yourself Loses you Money

If you try to sell your house on your own, you will end up losing a fair amount of money. Using a real estate agent can net you significantly more money in the final sale.

Are you thinking about buying a home in the near future?

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