Planning an Awesome Business Networking Event


There are plenty of great marketing methods these days that can help you to get your name out there to the right people.

From leaflet distribution to social media marketing and everything in between, much depends on the type of business that you run.

However there’s often no substitute for getting yourself out there and networking in person, and one great way to do this is to throw an event for your company.

You get to demonstrate products or services, chat with people face to face, ask and answer questions, and generally get a much better (and more personal) level of interaction.

It can all be done in a very fun way, meaning it’s something exciting and enjoyable for all of your workers and can help drum up new customers.

You could host games and competitions, serve food and drinks, and much more- people are much more likely to attend when there’s something in it for them! Here are some ideas for hosting your business event.

Decide on Location

Will you be hosting the event in your business premises, or will you be hiring out a function or event room? Think about the size and location, it needs to be big enough for everyone and an easy place for everyone to find.

If you’re planning on hosting during the warmer months, how about throwing it outdoors? You could serve barbeque food, and champagne and even have a bouncy castle set up to keep children occupied.

There are companies that offer things like tents and temporary buildings for hire which will provide shade and shelter from any direct sun or drizzle.

Advertise and Send Out Invites

Your next step is to get the word of your event out there. If you have contacts from previous events, invite them to let them know what’s happening. The best way to do this is to hire a leaflet company like London leaflets to hand out your message for you.

They could inform others in turn, and bring other interested companies or individuals. You could promote across your regular marketing methods, on social media, posters, billboards, and leaflets.

You want as many potential customers and clients to be attending as possible, as it gives you the chance to advertise your business and products and secure new business relationships and sales.

See If Any Other Want To Get Involved

Asking non-competing companies, if they would like to come to your event, could be beneficial for both of you. For example, food stalls, photo booth companies, and entertainment companies will attract people to the event.

They get to earn some money and you get the added benefit of them bringing in extra custom for you. Raffles, competitions, prizes, and more make the event much more fun than a boring presentation and something that people will remember and enjoy.

Be sure to network, and take down the contact details of interested customers or businesses. Have plenty of business cards printed and ready to hand out too. You want everyone to have fun but the name of the game is to attract as many new leads as possible, so be sure to follow up after the event.

Are you planning a networking event?  Share your thoughts and comments on how you plan to make it a success in the comments below.


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