How To Save Money On Stamps – 6 Actionable Tips

Once again, the price of stamps was raised by a penny, making the cost of mailing a simple domestic letter forty-six cents each. Since I forgot about it at the time, the surprise made the think about stamps, and the amount of money I spend on them annually. Further down, I will share some great ideas I had for chopping that number down.
Hopefully, you purchased some Forever Stamps before the hike. If not, let that be a lesson to do so before the next rise in rates. The postal service also announced a brand new forever stamp.
Known as the Global Forever First-Class Mail International, they only cost $1.10 and will get a one-ounce parcel to any country on the planet. You can also send a Canadian pal a two-ounce envelope with this stamp.
Now that you know you can stock up on Forever Stamps for your domestic and international correspondence, let’s also take a look at ways to reduce your dependence on stamps:
#1 Don’t send as many letters, notes, and cards. E-mail messages are faster and easier than snail mail.
#2 Use online bill pay. Virtually every utility company and phone service provider takes online payments these days. You might even be able to pay your rent or mortgage while on your home computer. Look for the secure lock on the site URL, and rest assured that your information is safe.
#3 Fax is still an option. Although not as popular as before the internet, faxes are a great way to deliver documents almost immediately. Always ask for permission to use the fax machine at your job unless the transfer is specifically job-related. Many home printer/scanner devices have a fax option as well, which means that you probably have the means to send faxes from your home already.
#4 Stamp collectors and outlets often have old stamps that aren’t collectibles. You can usually get these vintage stamps at a slight discount from their face value.
#5 Forever Stamps are the perfect solution because price increases will never diminish the value of these stamps.
#6 Bulk purchases through Costco and similar retailers sometimes include a small discount as well. is a good list of places to get stamps at good prices.
So what are you doing to cut cost and save money when buying stamps? I’ve tried many of these tips but I would like to hear from you. What are you doing to save on stamps? Share your thoughts and comments below.