Collection Agency Harassment Laws – What Are Your Rights And Responsibilities

Collection Agency Harassment LawsAre you being constantly contacted by the debt collection agencies for repaying a particular debt amount? If you’re being subject to threats and abusive language over phone, you should know your rights as a debtor so that you can stop all such activities. Unless you know your rights and responsibilities, you can’t speak a word in your defense.

The FTC or the Federal Trade Commission has passed the FDCPA or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to protect the consumers from the clutches of the shady debt collectors. You can either opt for debt settlement or debt consolidation so as to stop the debt collection calls or equip yourself with the right information to defend yourself. There are some particular clauses that you need to keep in mind before interacting with the debt collectors. Read on the concerns of this article in order to know how to tackle such calls.

How To React To The Calls When You Don’t Owe The Debt

If you’re sure you owe nothing to a credit card company and you remember making the payments on time, you shouldn’t ill-behave with the debt collectors as this worsens the entire matter. Speak softly with them and tell them that you don’t owe them the debt that they’re calling you for.

If you have all the papers that can defend you, you should present them before the debt collection agency so that you can defend yourself. Send the copy that proves that you had already repaid the entire debt amount that they’re mentioning on the calls. Be truthful and candid with the debt collector.

FDCPA Violations That You Can Complain Against

As mentioned earlier, the FTC has passed the FDCPA so that this can safeguard the rights and responsibilities of the debtors. But how many of us know what the FDCPA says? Well, most of us have heard the name but have never bothered to know more on it? What does the FDCPA prohibit the debt collectors from doing?

  • They can’t ask you to pay an amount that is more than what you actually owe.
  • They can’t call you repeatedly to recuperate the money.
  • They can’t demand you to pay interest rates and expenses that you’re not supposed to.
  • They can’t use abusive and profane language while recuperating the money.
  • They can’t call you after 9 p.m or before 8 a.m.
  • They can’t illegally inform a third-party agency about your debt.
  • They can’t ask a third-party agency about your location information.

Whether it’s due to a sudden job loss or a prolonged illness, if you haven’t been able to repay your debts, you should take all the required steps to avoid the accounts to be sold off to the collection agencies. If possible, get help from the debt settlement or consolidation firms so that you can easily stop such calls.

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