Top 10 Best Personal Finance Apps for the Mobile User
The era of new technology allows mobile phone users to talk, email, record videos, and even shop from their phones. Hundreds of apps for smart phones now allow users to track their finances and spending while on the go. Here are 10 of the best according to Andy Boyd, co-founder of
1. Mint
One of the best personal finance apps on the market, Mint is compatible with both iOS and Android. The app is based on the financial tracking website and will sync and update all account balances and information in real time as long as the mobile device has an Internet connection.
Mint’s app automatically categorises a user’s inputted transactions and alerts the user if he is nearing his budget limits. A user can also opt-in for notifications about a bill’s due date. A user that chooses to use the web-based version can also move money between his accounts and create future budgets. The Mint app is best for a user that wishes to sync accounts between his computer and his mobile device. Mint is a free personal finance app with a 4.5-star rating. Get – FREE Money Management Software!
2. PageOnce Money and Bills
PageOnce allows a user to track all of his finances in one place, as well as reminds a user when his bills need to be paid and monitors credit card transactions, making it one of the best personal finance apps on the market.
The app tracks frequent flier miles or rewards and a user can even track his cell phone usage with the PageOnce app. A quick look will show the user key account balances on the home screen of the app. A mobile phone user that is constantly on the go while keeping track of many different accounts will appreciate the PageOnce app. PageOnce is a top free finance app with a 4.5-star rating.
3. Debt Tracker Pro
Debt Tracker Pro is a top personal finance app that allows a user to track his loan and debt information. A user can create, manage, and maintain different loan and debt accounts and create a payment plan for each account. Debt Tracker Pro tracks how much money is needed to pay off the loan as well as how long it will take to pay off the loan. The app also allows users to enter different amounts as a payment option to calculate how long it will take to pay off a debt if paying a different amount.
Additionally, Debt Tracker Pro shows a user how much is left on any lines of credit that he has open. The app is best for someone that makes payments on multiple credit cards and wants to keep track of what he owes and what he can spend. The app has a 4.5-star rating and charges a one-time fee of $1.99 USD.
4. MoneyBook
MoneyBook is an app that makes it easy for users to enter new transactions and add special notes or categories to individual transactions. MoneyBook allows a user to export finance information and password-protect any sensitive information.
MoneyBook also offers free cloud backup services. The app is good for a user whom wishes to keep specialised notes on transactions. MoneyBook has a 4-star rating and costs a one-time fee of $2.99 USD.
5. CW Money Expense Track
CWMoney Expense Track is an app for Android platforms that includes a QuickTrack widget. CWMoney handles multiple accounts and currency types, as well as has support for GPS, albums, voice, and calculators. CWMoney handles transfers and account exchange rates, includes hierarchical categories and allows the app user to input custom attributes.
Users can use the app to set monthly budgets, create pie chart reports and export data to Excel, XML and CSV. CWMoney also offers backup for Dropbox and Gmail. CWMoney is a free app with a 4-star rating.
6. iReconcile
iReconcile is an app made for Apple devices that includes a free built-in check register and online backup and sync services for $1.99 USD per month. iReconcile can track budgets for the year, month, week, or even the day.
The quick and easy set up allows the user to choose which categories and sub-categories are included. iReconcile also features a rollover feature for remaining funds at the end of the budget. This 4-star app costs a one-time fee of $2.99 USD.
7. Pennies
Pennies is a very basic and straightforward finance app that tracks a user’s expenses. The user enters a monthly budget and adds expenses. The app will save the most-used expenses, making it easier to input data as time goes on. Pennies is a 3.5-star app and costs a one-time fee of $3.00 USD.
8. Expenditure
Expenditure’s app makes it easy to add new transactions with options to include a note or photo with the transaction. The app also features a built-in currency converter with a large selection of different currencies. Expenditure is a 3.5-star app and costs $1.99 USD.
9. Venmo
Venmo is an app for iOS 3.1.3 or above that allows a user to link his credit card or bank account to his mobile device. He can then send money to another Venmo user’s bank account instantly. Venmo does not charge any transaction fees. Venmo is a free app with 5 stars.
10. ShoeBoxed
The ShoeBoxed app is available for the iPhone, iPad, and Android platforms. ShoeBoxed allows a user to take photos of important receipts and add them to expense reports, email them, or send them as a CSV, Excel, PDF, or XL8 file. This free app has a 2.5-star rating.