Cheap Credit Score: 6 Simple Steps To Getting Your Credit Report

In a recent article I covered what 3 place you could get your cheap credit report  for free, so in this article I going to cover one of those option in a little more detail and show where and how to get a cheap credit score report and walk you through the entire process step by step.

Where To Get Your Cheap Credit Score From

If your looking to get a cheap credit report I recommend getting it from Annual Credit Report.  This site is actually the official site setup by Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian to get your free report from, in fact all other credit reporting sites will actually get the same information from this site and in some cases make you pay for the same info you could get for free.

However when it comes to getting your free credit report you will only be able to get each of the 3 credit reports once a year.  Although I suggest you don’t get all three of them at one time, instead I recommend you pull one every 4 months.  This way you will be able to see your credit reports throughout the year, which will help you track and monitor your credit in case you would happen to spot a mistake or problem.

One final thing I should mention before I move on is that you will be able to get your credit report free but you will have to pay for the score itself, which will cost you around $15.  The score you will get can range from 450 which is very low to 850 which is around the highest.

Are you ready to get your cheap credit report and score now?  Let’s move on.

How To Get Your Credit Score

Step 1: Pick A State

The first page you will come upon is the home page of the Annual Credit Report where they will ask you to pick the state that you live in currently.


Step 2:  Fill In Your Info

Next, once you have selected the state that you live in you will have to fill out some simple and  quick information. This will include your full name, date of birth, social security number, and address.  However if you have not lived at your current address for more than 2 years you will have to list the previous one as well.  Then fill out the security question at the bottom and move on.


Step 3:  Pick One Credit Bureau

Next after you are done you will have to pick which credit bureau you will want to get your report from.  Again, I suggest you only pick one every 4 months and in my case I picked Trans Union since they were the first one at the top.


Step 4: Answer Specific Security Questions

Next you will be transferred to the Trans Union website where you will be able to get your free report.  Once you get to the opening page you will have to click continue to get started.  This will bring you to the next page were Trans Union will need to verify your account and that it is really you by asking you a couple of security questions about your accounts.

For example my questions asked my how much the credit limits were on both of my credit cards.  If you are not sure about some of this information you may have to get your latest credit card statements out to see what your current credit limits are.


Step 5:  Review Your Report

Once you have answered the questions you will be able to see your credit report.  Once you get there you will be able to see all of your credit cards and loans that you have.  You will also see a chart that shows you the last 48 months of your credit history.

acciount_infoThe chart above is a key which shows you if you are current or not with your credit.  In the actually report each month will be labeled with either the green box that says OK, or one of the other six boxes.  Each credit card and loan you have will have a 48 month history like this, below is a sample of one of my actually credit cards.


Obviously, you can see that the last 48 months on this particular card were very good and I’ve paid them all on time.  On the very left side of the chart it shows how many times I was late on my credit card, luckily none at all.

Step 6: Claim You Credit Score

No that we know how to get the report, I will show you how to obtain your cheap credit scores online.  To do this all you need to do is click on the button at the top that says Your FREE credit score.

credit_scoreAt this point just fill out all of you current information like email address, social security number, create a user name, password, and security questions.  Like I mentioned before this will cost you, Trans Union charges a $15 a month fee with the first seven days free and you can cancel at anytime.

A Final Thought…

As a final thought to this article I should mention how important it is to get you credit score and check it regularly.  You never know what might be on your report and if you do find something that doesn’t belong there make sure you contact the company you got it from and dispute it in writing.

This may take some time to get done but can be one of the fastest ways to cleaning up your credit score and improving it.


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