5 Must-Try Cuisines When Holidaying in Singapore

5 Must-Try Cuisines When Holidaying in Singapore

Popular as a melting pot of a variety of cuisines, Singapore incorporates a rich heritage of dishes influenced by the Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines. The food courts, shopping centers, and various shop houses complete the look of Singapore for a traveler. The city makes up an amazing culinary variety with various street foods…

Working Abroad Can be Educational:  3 Places to Visit for Some Historical Learning in Cairo

Working Abroad Can be Educational: 3 Places to Visit for Some Historical Learning in Cairo

Cairo can be many things at once: a central hub for getting an education, a place to socialize, a peaceful retreat in a completely different atmosphere, and a treasure chest of historical wonders long forgotten. No matter the reason for your arrival, whether it’s a business trip or leisure, Cairo is the largest metropolis in…