My Email Has Been Hacked: What To Do If Your Email Account Has Been Hijacked

If you’re reading this you’ve probably had your email address hijacked, and if not you may consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Having your email hacked can be an excruciating process so in this article I’m going to show you what you should do if this happens to you, or maybe it already has….

Facebook Scams And More: How To Avoid Falling Victim On The Social Networks

Facebook users everywhere are being warned about a new scam hitting the social network, to add to the ever-increasing list of things to watch out for on the site. This latest ruse is a phishing attempt in the form of a private message informing the user that their profile violates the network’s policies on annoying…

Auto Insurance Fraud: Don’t Do It!

Did you know that auto insurance fraud cost the insurance industry about $30 billion a year? While most law-abiding citizens would never dream of committing fraud or felony, there are other elements of society that make their living off of deliberately scamming people. Here’s what you need to know so that you don’t get involved…

Debtmerica Scam: Why It’s Not A Real Scam

If you’re searching for a debt relief program around the Internet you my have come across debt company called Debtmerica Relief.  However one of the big rumors going around the web is that these sites are being considered nothing more than a scam, such as the Debtmerica Relief scam. However when your talking about debt…

Forward Financial Group Scam: Why They Are Not A Scam

If you’ve read my previous article on the World Financial Group scam you would have learned how this company is really not a scam an can truly bring something great to people.  However this isn’t the only company that is perceived this way.  In in this article I’m going to cover another financial company that…

Instant Credit Repair Secrets: Credit Repair Scams Reveled

Instant Credit Repair Secrets: Credit Repair Scams Reveled

If you have reached this page looking for some quick fix to your credit or fast credit repair you will want to read this before you continue looking. Today they’re more people in debt than ever before. More people are filing for bankruptcy and foreclosure than ever. People are looking for some way to get…