PayPal Scammers Are Emailing Fake Transactions
Hey everyone I have yet another PayPal Email Scam for you. These scammers just won’t give up. They’re just going to keep trying until your not looking one day and then wham! They’ll have you by the noose and no where to turn.
Recently, I spoke about how these scammers where sending emails claiming you had to many log in attempt and even going as far as to set up fake websites to get your valuable information. You can check both of those stories out here and here.
Fake PayPal Email Transaction Scam
As for this particular PayPal scam goes the scammers want you to believe that you have made a false transaction with your PayPal account and want you to click the link to resend the fake transaction.
Below is a copy of the email I received.
[email protected] to 67843Oct 6This email confirms that you have sent a payment for $12.05 USD to [email protected].Details
Amount: $12.05 USD
Transaction ID: 4S502977FP5288WA review of the transaction raised a suspicion that it may have not been authorized.
Click here to cancel this transaction.
First, notice the email address how it says Even though it says paypal in the address doesn’t mean it is a legit email address. The email address should have something like on the end of the paypal address.
Second, my name is not mentioned in the email at all. It should say something like welcome Chris Holdheide in it. This is almost a dead giveaway if it does not have that.
Third, as far as the go daddy email is concerned I do have an account with them. The question is how do they know that though? If you happen to get this email it may be a billing email from a different company. The scammers my have planted a spy ware virus or cookie on your computer to track your habits or they may have just gotten lucky in any case run your anti virus software to get rid of any virus, spyware, or tracking cookies on your computer. Your info may be leaking right into their hands.
Fourth, the billing transaction numbers are fake. Just because they have a number doesn’t mean it’s real.
Finally, the link which I have italicized is a fake link to a fake PayPal site looking for your info, however my firefox browser would not let me veiw the site due to the fact it has been labeled a scam site.
Here is what it said.
Obviously, if you get this message you don’t need to go any further, just exit immediately. I hope this helps.