8 Minimalist Furniture for Your Living Room

Just because you have a huge living room, does not mean that you can go all out when it comes to furniture.

Most contemporary interior designers back the idea of “less is more.” Irrespective of whether you have a sprawling living room, or have a tiny one, going minimalistic on the furniture will make the space roomy and comfortable.

The place does not have to be chockablock to look good. As Marie Kondo would say, pairing down your space will make your space an amazing retreat where you would like to come back after a long day at work.

#1 The L-shaped sofa:

The L-shaped sofa happens to be a favorite of minimalists. It takes less room but can seat a variety of people. These look stylish and contemporary while adding a modern touch to space.

An excellent way of making the most of a walled space in your home, these sofas will prove to be ideal for those who have a lot of guests over, or host parties, as it is spacious yet space-efficient.

#2 Coffee tables:

Every dining room needs a stylish coffee table to complement the rest of the surroundings.

A narrow coffee table with a sleek silhouette will add a certain amount of pizzazz to space, without taking up much room. Choose a table will narrow legs to add to the minimalist theme of the space.

#3 Mirrors:

Many people believe that mirrors do not belong in the living room, but experts would beg to differ. Having a mirrored wall or a mirror panel has the ability to make the space look really stylish and spacious.

Ideally, placing a mirror opposite the windows reflects the light and brightens up space.

#4 Ottomans:

Ottomans are sleek, stylish and available in a plethora of designs. The ottoman has become an important part of a minimalistic home décor setup because they are sleek and fit in anywhere.

Plus, certain ottomans double up as storage units where you can keep your child’s or dog’s toys.

They are cushiony and comfortable, making them a must-have item if you want to have a minimalistic look around your house.

#5 Stylish and sleek storage units:

Going minimalist does not mean that you cannot have a few nice decorative pieces in your living room.

From a chest of drawers to a minimalistic bookshelf, you can have it all in your living room, provided that furniture is not bulky.

#6 Statement wall art:

Avoiding a cluttered room does not mean that you should avoid beautiful, artful pieces. If the artwork makes the space look cohesive, then you can certainly add one.

Pieces like simple line drawings would add a touch of elegance to space. You can limit the color, by choosing a neutral painting or you could go bold to add a touch of color to the surroundings.

This is one area that you can play with, even when the rest of the surroundings are purely minimal.

#7 Slender chairs:

Slender chairs with thin legs should be preset in your living room area to make sure that you have enough room to seat everyone.

Tall chairs in metallic hues not only look classy but add a modern factor to the setup.

#8 Entertainment unit:

What is a living room without the television? Barren! Yes, television is an integral part of the living room. While we have the option of mounting the television on the walls, it is very important to understand, that an entertainment center brings the living room together.

Irrespective of how minimal your approach is towards your living room’s interiors; an entertainment center is a must. Of course, you will have to steer clear of the bulky ones, but a stylish, sleek one, which has a few drawers to keep your essentials in place. Just pick something in neutral colors, so that it does not stand out.

A living room is an “activity area” of the house. It is the space where everyone comes to together to spend time, it is where we spend the majority of our time. Opting for a minimalist approach towards the interior décor of your living room will help you have an organized, beautifully designed space because no one likes clutter.

Evok is a much-loved furniture brand with an online and offline furniture store. Evok believed that good quality, well-designed furniture can completely transform the look of your home, and therefore they come up with some very stylish pieces.

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