3 Questions to Ask Before Changing Careers Later in Life


We can change a lot throughout the courses of our lives- let’s face it, how different are you compared with ten, twenty, even thirty years ago?

We develop new interests and things that once grabbed our attention no longer do. We improve certain skills, and gain and lose different passions over the years. While this is great as it mean’s we’re constantly evolving and adapting, it can be bad news for our work lives.

A job that suited you when you were first starting out might be all wrong now. Perhaps it leaves you very stressed when what you really want is a happy and relaxed life. Maybe it leaves you feeling bored and unstimulated, and you wish you could carry on learning.

Either way, it’s not uncommon to reach middle age or even later and decide that you no longer want to work in the field that you’re in.

A change of career this late on, when you’ve spent years gaining skills and experience in this area can seem scary, but actually making a change could improve your life no end.

We spend a significant amount of our time and energy working, and so really we need to be in roles that we find rewarding or interesting in some way. But it’s not always plain sailing, here are a few things to bear in mind before making a change of career later in life.


#1 What Job do You Want to Move to?

You’ve already decided that you don’t want to continue in the job you’re in. But do you know what you DO want to do?

If you’re later on in life, now might not be the best time to start training as a surgeon or a lawyer due to the lengthy training and experience time you will need to complete before you can work.

But there’s plenty you can do if you already have a degree or equivalent qualification you can apply for entry-level jobs and work your way up.

Otherwise, you could do a year or two training or study first to get the job you want. You will want to choose a job that will interest or fulfill you, you don’t want to start all over again just to end up in the same predicament of wanting something else.

If your interest is in the medical field, pursue a path in health sciences or something similar. If you’re into computer sciences and technology, there are software engineer jobs in Los Angeles that might be of interest to you. Bottom-line is, know what it is that will best fit you in the long-run.

#2 Do You Know How to Deal With Discrimination?

Fortunately, there are laws that exist to prevent workers from being discriminated due to their age.

However in practice, it’s not always clear-cut, and lots of people have still turned away because of their age- even if the employer wouldn’t admit that.

When you’re first starting out in your career it’s not something you have to think about, but is certainly a consideration when you’re older.

If you believe an employer has discriminated against you, your best bet would be to speak to a workers compensation lawyer. They will let you know if you have a case and provide valuable advice on the matter.


#3 Can You Afford It?

If you’ve been in your job or career for a while then chances are you’ll be higher up on the ladder and earning a better wage than when you first started out.

Changing careers often means starting again, and with a lower position means a smaller paycheck. This is often worth it for most people, you might enjoy the job more or it could give you the opportunity to earn more later on.

But in the here and now, can you still afford to pay everything you have to pay each month if you change career and take a pay cut?

Thinking about changing careers soon?  Share your thoughts below.


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