How To Find An Online Database For Use In Your Personal Or Professional Life

An online database provides more accessibility and customization options to store work-related or personal data. It allows you to manage your data more efficiently and make collaboration with different people reliable.
This could include sharing information with teammates at work and sharing files with friends and family. You can access an online database from the local network or the internet. Websites or software-as-a-service (SaaS) products host online databases.
With online databases, it is also possible to build database-driven websites. These types of websites are programmed to extract information directly from the database which is underlying. If you make any information changes, the webpage will update automatically.
But it is crucial to be well-informed when choosing an online database for personal or professional use. This information can help you make the right decision so that data management will be more flexible and convenient for you based on your end users. So here’s what you need to know:
Structural functionality
Structural functionality is one of the core features you must consider while choosing an online database. The database must be able to upload and attach files smoothly and support the formats you will most likely be working with.
The control field is the second feature you must consider in structure functionality. This allows you to restrict the data type you want in particular fields, such as values in specific rows and columns in a spreadsheet. You can consider using an open-source platform like Nocodb to help you convert any database into a smart spreadsheet. It can provide you with more control over your data type and control field.
Also, consider how the database’s structural functionality allows you to export data. This feature helps you fetch data chunks from other programs and export them in a sharable format to stakeholders.
Ensure that the structural functionality of your database is automated. It helps you get rid of manual work when different activities are automated. For example, moving tasks to the next stage after completion or sending notifications to the team.
The next important feature you need to consider while finding the database is what system you want to integrate. You must ensure your chosen database can be easily integrated with the software and tools you will use in your project.
Different technologies utilize different connectors to connect with other technologies. For example, if you are currently performing a data analytics job running on Apache spark, then you should stick to an external database. In this way, it will be easier to connect to Apache spark.
Another example you can consider is ArangoDB which is known for good performance. But the library files of this database system lack support, and it can be risky to use it with other tools. Therefore, experts suggest avoiding ArangoDB for big and heavy projects.
Scaling requirements
Analyze your data size requirements and evaluate if it will grow over time. If that is the case, you need a database that does not have limitations. It should allow you to save data on more than a single PC.
Choose a database that makes data distribution easier. It should be able to distribute data storage across scale and cluster horizontally, not vertically. Some database systems cannot manage thousands of users querying petabytes of data because of scaling issues. These aren’t ideal if multiple people will be accessing the database simultaneously.
Also, you must consider the throughput or transaction rate in the scaling requirement. This means how many requests you want to receive per second. If the database has a high throughout, it can support simultaneous users. This is ideal for when you work on big websites where plenty of web servers serve many people simultaneously.
CAP consideration
The CAP is the consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. What do these mean? Consistency means that any read request will provide the recent write. SQL databases are known for their strong data consistency. In contrast, NoSQL database consistency is not reliable. Availability means that the non-responding node needs to respond in the right amount of time. Also, every application doesn’t need to run 24/7 with 99.9% availability. But you should prefer the database with higher availability. Partition tolerance is the ability of the database system to continue to run regardless of a node or network failure.
According to experts, getting all these features at the best level in one database is hard because of natural trade-offs among items. Typically, you can get the most out of only two out of three. If you want your system to be partition tolerant and available, you may have to compromise on consistency.
Traditional relational databases are perfect for CA requirements. On the other hand, non-relational database engines are suitable for the CP and AP requirements.
You need to consider these CAP considerations and your actual requirements while looking for a database system. You must think will it be fine if your system does not work for a few minutes or if availability is your major concern?
If you have to deal with real transactional information, such as financial or stock transactions, prioritize consistency. It will make things easier for you to handle and serve your purpose in the best possible way.
Choosing an online database is not a straightforward process, whether you want it for personal or professional use.
You need to keep track of different features, including structural functionality, scalability, the CAP, and how well you can integrate it with other tools you use. Above all, you need to analyze your requirements and decide which database system is the perfect fit for you.
Choosing the right solution will ensure data security and enhance your productivity.