7 Tips for a Budget-Friendly Skin Care Routine

Your skin deserves nothing short of quality, but we all know that quality has a difficult-to-deny reputation for being pricey. It’s entirely possible to burn a hole in your pocket buying those extravagant products.
The good news is, there are a number of affordable tips to include in your skincare too! You can avoid and treat a number of skincare issues by following these simple and effective tips.
This way, you can still afford a few of the best products that you know work for your skin while mixing in a few budget-friendly tips to aid your routine.
1. Always keep your skin moisturized
Dry skin is the biggest enemy of healthy, glowing skin. Moisture is essential for the skin cells to regenerate and recover. Adequately moisturized skin is supple and plump. On the other hand, lack of moisture makes the skin dull, dry, and prone to cracks and damages. Dehydrated skin is also more prone to premature aging.
- In dry climates, especially during the winter, the airstrips the moisture off the skin making it dry, itchy, and scaly. One simple tip to get rid of dry skin is to invest in a humidifier. It may cost you initially but will last you much longer than a bottle of expensive moisturizer.
- You could also use some home remedies to effectively treat dry skin. One simple example is to apply aloe vera gel or a botanical oil like sweet almond oil or argan oil. Always moisturize your skin before going to bed as it is the time the skin regenerates the most.
- While stepping out in the dry climate, always make sure to cover up your skin to prevent dry winds from stealing the moisture from it.
2. Get the best out of your bath
It is very tempting to have long hot-water showers but that does more damage to your skin than you realize! The hot water washes off the natural oils in the skin that is essential for its hydration and regeneration. Long baths just make it worse.
- Go for cold showers or at least consider warm instead of hot water. Reduce the length of your shower too. If you want longer baths, try this – a water bath with a few drops of coconut or olive oil to keep moisture locked in.
- One excellent tip is to take oatmeal baths. Simply grind a cup of oatmeal and mix it in your bath. This is a simple, age-old grandma’s solution to treating skin conditions like eczema, rashes, dryness, and inflammation.
- After your bath, apply a moisturizer right away, while your skin is still damp. This will keep the moisture locked-in and ensure supple, hydrated skin.
3. Protect your skin from sun damage
Exposure to the sun is the biggest cause of skin troubles. The UV or ultraviolet radiation results in free radicals which destroy skin cells. Sun exposure results in tanning, sun spots, dry skin, and premature aging.
- Use a high SPF (greater than 30) sunscreen or an effective sunblock every time you step out. Cover your skin with protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats, scarves, gloves, and sunglasses.
- If possible, avoid stepping out between 12 noon and 4 pm when the UV intensity is maximum. Avoiding sun damage will actually take care of most of your skin troubles.
4. Consider modifying your diet
Believe it or not, you may not need half of those expensive skin products if you simply eat right! Your diet plays a huge role in how your skin looks. Don’t be surprised if you have dull skin riddled with acne if you eat irregularly and your diet consists of oily, spicy fast foods.
- Include superfoods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to protect the skin and aid recovery. Examples include green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, berries, broccoli, peppers, beans, ginger, and turmeric.
- Include foods with natural fatty acids like omega 3, 6, and 9 for nourishing the skin cells. Examples include nuts and seeds like flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts; edible oils like canola oil, soybean oil, flaxseed oil; and seafood like salmon, herring, tuna, and sardines.
- Include probiotics – healthy bacteria that aid in a healthy gut. A number of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rashes occur when the natural flora of the gut gets altered. Include foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sourdough bread, tempeh, and sauerkraut to replenish your gut with probiotics.
- Develop healthy eating habits like eating at regular times and drinking plenty of water.
5. Get rid of oily skin and prevent chances of acne breakouts
Skin becomes oily due to the overproduction of sebum or the natural oil produced by the skin. Oily skin doesn’t just look bad, it also prepares the ground for acne breakouts which can be painful and damaging. Excess oil mixes with dirt and dead cells to clog the pores. These pores then get infected and inflamed, sometimes resulting in painful and hideous acne.
- Cleanse your skin twice every day to remove excess oil. Do not use harsh products as they don’t just get rid of the oil but also damage the natural flora of the skin. This triggers the skin and can cause more inflammation and damage. Use a mild astringent like rose water or apple cider vinegar to cleanse the skin.
- Exfoliate the skin regularly to slough off dead skin cells and promote the production of new ones. Use a natural exfoliator such as activated charcoal, finely ground coffee beans, salt or brown sugar mixed in a natural oil like olive oil or grapeseed oil. Gently massage it on the skin in light, circular motions for about 2-3 minutes and rinse with warm water.
6. Get rid of hyperpigmentation with home remedies
Hyperpigmentation or dark spots and patches can give the skin an uneven tone and texture. It occurs due to the irregular production of the skin pigment melanin as a result of sun exposure, skin damage, hormonal changes, and certain lifestyle choices.
- Use a natural mask like a lemon-honey mask to get even-toned skin free from blemishes and dark spots. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent while honey has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that aid skin recovery.
- Use botanical oils to treat hyperpigmentation. Examples include tea tree oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, sandalwood oil, perilla seed oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil, etc. They are relatively cheap and easily available.
7. Brighten up your skin tone naturally
Dull skin can make you look unattractive and unhealthy. It usually occurs when you fail to hydrate and moisturize your skin, upon prolonged sun exposure or due to poor lifestyles like high stress and inadequate sleep.
- Make and use a milk and turmeric mask to naturally rejuvenate the skin. Turmeric has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that will give your skin a natural glow and luster. Milk contains lactic acid which moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
- A papaya-honey mask can also give you bright, glowing skin. Papaya contains papain that has cleansing properties that help get rid of clogged pores. Honey lightens the skin and gives it a dewy glow.