7 Things Your Business Should Invest In Post COVID

As we know, the world has been turned upside down this year and while it might be difficult to go back to things were, or it may take some time, you can do your best to adapt to the new normal and embrace the new way of living.
With new rules and guidelines on how things should be done, if you are a business owner, there are some changes that need to be made in the office.
So what do you need to invest in to make sure your business can run smoothly in this post-COVID world?
#1 Face Masks
You may require more MRO supplies in your business, and if that is the case, then you’ll likely be on top of things.
For those offices where risk is minimal, most people will have their own face masks for when they need them.
However, it’s a good idea to invest in some disposable face masks in case anyone forgets theirs or if you have any visitors to the office. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
#2 Floor Tape
Of course, it depends on what you do in your business and how many people you have working for you.
But, with people needing to keep their distance, it’s a good idea to invest in some floor tape to help your staff keep a two-meter distance.
#3 Perspex Screens
If you’re not able to move desks or workstations further apart, then use screens to separate people from each other to add that extra wall of safety.
#4 Anti-bacterial cleaning spray
As it is advised to frequently clean objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, such as door handles and keyboards, make sure that there are plenty of cleaning sprays available for your staff.
Also, provide paper so that people can wipe surfaces as and when they please.
#5 Hand Sanitiser
It’s a good idea to place some hand sanitiser on everyone’s desk as well as other communal areas around the office so that there is always some within reach.
Place some by the front door, in the toilets, and any other communal areas and make sure it is visible so that people get into the habit of using it regularly.
#6 Ventilation System
Having a good ventilation system is one of the key things for keeping your employees healthy at this time. Get a professional in to give your systems a once over and to check whether you need to service or you need to adjust your ventilation systems.
Most air conditioning systems do not need adjustment; however, if you have a system that serves multiple buildings, or you are not sure, then it is best to get advice from the heating ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) engineers or advisers.
#7 Remote working tools
While you are going back to the office which is great, when it comes to a meeting that requires more people to be there, make sure you have adequate remote working tools so that you can host a meeting in your meeting room and see people virtually as well.
Make sure you also have the right tools to allow people to do their jobs from home.