The 7 Best Ways to Get Organized and Get Ahead – in Business


There’s no way to sugar coat this, so we’ll just say it  – anyone who runs their own business just has to get organized!

We understand you’d rather focus energy on being ‘an ideas person’ –, but it really is worth the investment.

So we thought we’d share a few tips here on how to feel more in control when it comes to those dreaded administrative tasks. And remember…if you take these on board, it could free up important time for other, well..more entrepreneurial pastimes!. 


#1 Manage your desk space and storage

Before you get started, a great tip is to make your physical space neat, clean and functional. This just makes you work more effectively – and you literally, don’t feel like things are getting on top of you.


#2 A place for everything and everything in its place

The old sayings are often the best – there’s a lot of truth in them. So make sure everything has its own place – even if it’s just in ‘that pile of papers’.

If you understand your own system it’s a great starting point – just try to keep at least part of your desk clear.


#3 Don’t drown under paperwork

If you feel like you’re drowning under reams of paperwork, you’re not alone in any way – trust us on this one.  But a well-organized system saves a lot of hassle, especially if you need to find something quickly. 

So what should you do…?


#4 Identify what you need to keep

The first thing to think about is identifying what you really do – and don’t – need to keep. Essentials include:

  • Invoices 
  • Bank statements 
  • Bills 
  • Expense receipts and
  • Tax documents 


#5 Scan your documents and store them securely

But do you need paper copies? Most likely not these days. So why not invest in an inexpensive scanner?  And then store your documents somewhere securely – including offsite in the Cloud.


#6 Keep your filing straightforward and simple

If you’re just starting out, you don’t want to make this too complicated – the key thing is that you understand your system and it works. Then try to keep on top of your filing at least once a week – it’ll pay off in spades and free up more time in the long run.



#7 Stay on top of your accounts

You might think you can handle your accounts by yourself at the start. It’s just a few numbers isn’t it, after all? 

Wrong…it really is best to get help. 

The small business accounting guide provides lots of advice on how it could help you and your business.  So why not check out the benefits an expert could bring – and the time, money – and worry it might save you?


And lastly, a few final thoughts

We hope this post has helped explain why it’s so important to get organized – and stop putting off that dreaded paperwork. The great thing is, when you feel a bit more prepared, you’ve got lots more energy to focus on what you do best.

So why not get ahead of your administration as soon as possible, make sure your company’s ‘future proof’ and most importantly – keep doing business!

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