On The Road: Building A Haulage Firm Business Properly

What does it take to be an entrepreneur?
Some would argue that it’s all about pushing the boundaries and having a unique vision, combined with common sense to see the overall big picture.
Others would argue that it’s about embracing the standard industries we have and putting them into new and exciting territories. But for others, it’s about providing a fundamental need for everyone across the planet, which is why a haulage company is such a good idea for a business.
Haulage firms, where drivers transport goods and services across the country, and even in the modern day world of driverless cars, there are those truck drivers whose livelihood depends on entrepreneurs investing in their abilities to drive across the country, usually overnight, to deliver goods to stores and other businesses, to ensure adequate production.
So, if you have considered the idea of this type of firm as a business that would be lucrative, what do you need to know, but also what makes a successful one?
The Base Of Operations
Most important things to consider in a base of operations for a haulage firm in the location. It needs to be in direct access to major roads, but also the storage facility for the trucks and goods need to be secure.
There are so many stories about materials being stolen from building sites that security needs to be a priority. In picking a suitable site, the practicalities for trucks need to be taken into consideration, the loading dock safety gates as well as the overall security measures, such as security guards, as well as adequate protection methods, such as passes and name tags, etc.
Complying With Compliance
Apart from the vehicle insurance, which is, of course, mandatory, there are also other things that you should consider. These include public liability insurance as well as professional indemnity insurance.
The tachograph legislation is something for you to start researching now because the overall health and safety of your staff is essential to you running a well-regulated organization.
If you have drivers continuously exceeding their time period on the road, this will result in having severe financial penalties.
Managing The Health And Safety Of Your Workers
Naturally, with the high amount of unsociable working hours, as well as your truck drivers operating their vehicles in hazardous conditions, from traffic jams to harsh weathers, the overall wellbeing of your workers needs to be taken into account.
Just because your business complies with all the rules and regulations, does it mean that you are looking for the wellbeing of your workers efficiently?
Sometimes the two do not go hand in hand. The working life of a truck driver can have a detrimental effect on their personal life, and it’s worth bearing this in mind during the hiring process, as well as during the professional career of a driver.
Consistent keep in touch sessions, as well as implementing a transparent working process, where you could have an open door policy, helps your workers to feel more comfortable in their surroundings. As a result, they can feel free to speak up if they have potential problems.
Navigating Cost
Starting a haulage firm, especially when there are many others in direct competition with you, who are more firmly established, mean a careful amount of planning and preparation with regards to your business expenses.
The fleet is the first major thing to consider. According to the Road Haulage Association, 57% of haulage companies have only one vehicle. This goes a long way to explain why haulage firms need to keep their costs down. The higher the number of fleets, the more money you will have to pay out.
Bringing all of these processes together, as well as winning contracts, can mean a long and arduous beginning, but once you have got your foot on the ladder and have established yourself as a credible haulage firm, you can begin to increase your fleet, as well as winning more contracts.
Yes, marketing can go some way to help with this, but your ability to be prompt with deliveries, no matter the conditions on the road, will go a long way to secure your reputation.
Because there have been more experiments with driverless truck fleets, this can signal to many entrepreneurs a haulage firm can go one of two ways, either you can stick to the old-fashioned approaches and make the most of human drivers, of which there are still many in the world.
Or you can embrace this new technology which will become commonplace in 20 years’ time. You could argue that both are as important as the other right now so it’s your decision and how you want to progress.
Are you thinking about starting your own trucking company? I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about this below.