How to Find Hunting Land in Texas


Hunting land is ideal not just for your personal recreational use, but also as an investment if selected in the right area. After all, you probably won’t be on your hunting land all the time, but you can still turn a nice profit leasing the land out to hunters.

Taking advantage of the hundreds of land listings in Texas can help you find the right option if you know what to look for. These tips will help you make the best choices when buying Texas hunting land.


Find Out How Much Wildlife is There

You may or may not get useful information from the seller – if they aren’t hunters or wildlife enthusiasts, they might not pay much attention to such things. If the land you’re interested in has a history of hunting leases, getting in touch with previous hunters could yield helpful information.

The neighbors on adjacent properties can also be helpful since most members of the hunting community are willing to share information. A nearby game warden an also be helpful, especially for cluing you into any special regulations you need to know about.

Don’t overlook how helpful Texas Parks and Wildlife could be in letting you know what kinds of wildlife you can hunt are known to reside in the area.


Discover More About the Terrain and Water

All types of terrain are not suitable for every hunter’s needs, so you will need to give some consideration to the type of terrain on the property and the water situation.  Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Elevation differences usually don’t impact the quality of hunting
  • Areas that allow cattle grazing may disrupt some bird hunting
  • Cactus tends to provide a good nesting area for some species like quail
  • Find out if the property has a well, where the closest potable water source is in absence of a well, and how much it costs to run water lines in if the property has a house or cabin
  • Standing water in a creek or lake is ideal for waterfowl and deer alike 

Find Out About the Neighbors or Problem Visitors

Avoiding problems with neighbors who are non-hunters is an important step, but this can be a little difficult if you don’t know the area well. Taking a few steps to identify past or potential problems will make it easier for you to make your choice. 

One thing to look for is whether any hunting blinds are on or close to property lines. These situations can cause problems on general principle, especially if stray bullets could hit a person, pet or object on the next property. 

The sheriff’s department or game warden can prove most helpful in letting you know if anyone has complained about trespassing. People who get used to trespassing without any challenges often prove to be trouble. 


Easements and Property Access

Some of the best hunting property might be in locations that are not easily accessible from public roads. A few helpful things to keep in mind about property access include:

  • Expressed or deeded easements allow you to cross someone else’s property to get to your hunting land
  • Implied easements are a lot more complex, involving access that has been given over time
  • Some properties may have multiple access points, making it harder to keep poachers off the land
  • Hunting properties often have county roads that dead end at the main entrance
  • All weather roads can make a difference in how accessible your property is during winter or other times with inclement weather

Tax and Investment Considerations

Wildlife and agriculture exemptions help reduce your property tax liability. If you intend to lease the land out to other hunters, this, combined with the reduced property taxes, is likely to benefit you in the long run.

The right accountant can make all the difference in helping you make the most of these options.

Buying hunting land in Texas an be a good investment for both personal and business reasons. Knowing how to search for the best options will make everything easier in the long run.

Are you considering buying hunting land in Texas?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below.


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