Buying a New Car in the Near Future – How to Ensure You Get the Best Deal

As we approach the New Year, many people are busy setting goals and plans for 2018, giving them something to work towards. If your plan for 2018 is to buy a new car, then obviously you will want to make sure you are getting the absolute best deal possible.

We all know that new cars aren’t cheap. During the first quarter of 2017, the average price of a new car was $31,400, and early signs showed that prices would increase throughout the year. That said, you want to be sure that you aren’t overpaying for a vehicle.

To help you out, we’ve put together a few helpful tips that will guide you through the car-searching and purchasing process. These tips will allow you to become an informed consumer who gets the best pricing.

Do Your Pricing Research in Advance

The worst mistake you can make is to walk into a new car lot without any idea what the pricing should be. If you don’t know what a fair deal is, how can you get the best possible price?

Instead, you’ll want to start the process by actually doing a little online research. Look at resources like these AI powered car reviews to give you a little insight into various makes and models that appeal to you and start to get a sense of their pricing.

Make Your Budget Clear from the Start

It’s also imperative that you set your budget in advance and stick to it. Tell the salesperson your budget and make it clear that you aren’t willing to spend a penny more.

It can be pretty easy to be swayed once you see all those shiny new cars in front of you, which is why a budget is important.

Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate

Once you’ve found a car you like, it’s time to negotiate. For many people, this can be the hardest part of the process.

They just assume that whatever the sticker price is is the price they need to pay. Well, you’d be surprised at how far negotiating can go. If the salesperson isn’t willing to budge on price, ask for incentives instead.

Things such as a winter tire package, floor mats, a rust-proofing package, and a security/alarm system can all be negotiated.

Look at Your Options When It Comes to Financing

Unless you’ve managed to save up $31,000, you’ll likely need to finance the car. While you may assume your bank or car dealership is the best option for you, this really limits you.

Instead, opt for a service like Apply and Buy that features an online pre-approval process. You will then be automatically matched to various lenders, allowing you to compare different rates.

Even a small reduction in the interest rate works out in your favor, as it can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars by the time you finish paying for the car.

The Car You Want at the Price You Are Comfortable With

These tips will help ensure that you find the car you want at a comfortable price.  Are you planning to buy a new car in the future?  Share your thoughts below.


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