4 Steps for Starting a Political News Website
The Huffington Post sold for over $300 million dollars and its founder, Arianna Huffington, was deemed a sheer genius.
The popular political website had hundreds of volunteer writers on staff and it had already been raking in millions in advertising fees. Major companies would do just about anything to be featured in a story written by the Huffington Post because their brands were guaranteed to reach tens of millions of people.
So, if you believe that you can duplicate the success of the Huffington Post, Breitbart, and other political news websites, you have to do more than just write out stories that appeal to you personally. Hire someone who has an online master’s degree in political science and finds out what kind of news is trending.
Next, follow these four tips for making your politically themed website a success with the masses.
#1 Find the Perfect Website Name
Forget about buying a one-word domain that appears somewhere in the dictionary.
You can create a branded website name from anything as long as you can actually pronounce it. Avoid domain name extensions that are new and unknown to most people as you want to have a site that people will be able to just type into their web browsers.
After that, you can choose a layout that’s easy to navigate and translates well onto mobile devices.
#2 Find Your Website’s Voice
Whether you go in a satirical direct like the Onion or want to build a website that’s a little more mainstream, all of the content that you post has to be exceedingly consistent.
It will take a while for you to find writers that are up to par and can perform consistently, but once you get a good staff of writers, remember to treat them really, really well.
#3 Post-Quotable News Stories
If you really are hoping to gain some traction in the political news world you need to have other respected news outlets quote you.
Once you get a lead on a news story, do whatever you can get the story out first. Think back to the days of traditional newspaper publishing for inspiration if you must.
Have staff with online political science master’s degrees review your stories before publication and then hit the submit button.
#4 Cover Everything
Even if you have a website that is strictly about politics you’re still allowed to think outside of the box.
Local news stories, international affairs, and even opinion pieces should not only be allowed, they should be encouraged to appear on your website. You want all visitors to feel that they are welcome so having a variety of content will help them to find something to make a connection to.
Do You Want to Start a Political Website?
Your website will need to produce thousands of pieces of content in order to get noticed, but that can be accomplished through syndication and guest blogging.
While you can write stories yourself, don’t disallow other writers because they have a different voice. Last of all, just keep putting up new information and content that can’t be found elsewhere and you will build a truly dedicated audience.
Have you considered starting a political website? Share your thoughts and comments below.