What The Eyes See & The Ears Hear the Mind Believes


There was a time where a business needed to operate out of business premises and the bigger it was – the more flashy – the more successful you were.

Obviously, to have all the bells and whistles, though, you needed to have the cash, which means looking successful required you to be successful. This is no longer the case.

Nowadays it is possible to run a company from your garage but make it look like as though you are running it from the financial district in New York, and it could be this illusion that lands you those big, lucrative contracts and helps you overcome the barriers to you and growth.

Here’s how.


The Bigger The Better

If you are in business then you have to provide invoices; that’s a bog standard task. However, your invoices could be giving the game away.

You see, when you are trying to land a big fish but you send them an invoice with the number 8 on it, well, they’re going to realize how small and inexperienced your company is.

It will say you aren’t ready to deal with bigger clients yet. As such, you wanna change your invoice from 8 to 81103, and then keep adding on to that. That’ll give them the confidence they are looking for.


Bring On Everyone You Need


There is a way of hiring all the people you need to upscale your operations and make you look bigger than you are without actually hiring anyone.

It is called outsourcing and it is called business services. If you need an assistant then why not get a virtual assistant. If it is a 1-800 number you are after then it is time you got yourself a business phone system.

If you need a creative person – copywriter, graphic designer, whatever – to help deliver a piece of work you won then it is worth outsourcing this task to a freelancer.

All of these will give off the impression you have everything you need to deliver. Remember, what the eyes see and the ears hear the mind believes.


Forget Your Title

Starting a company, being an entrepreneur and founding something special, maybe even calling yourself the CEO is an incredible feat and one that deserves recognition, not least because people will feel important when conversing with the person at the top.

But – and it is a big but – if you are the only person in your company then it is a wise idea to drop that title from your email signature and your business cards.

The reason for this, if you are taking orders, answering the phone, shipping products and doing all the other everyday tasks then you are not going to fool anyone that you are a CEO. these just aren’t very CEOish things to be doing and that will give away the game completely.


Start Using Plurals

Go on to your website right now and read every word of the copy on there.

Every time you read the word ‘I’ please tut loudly and then change it to a ‘we’. The reason for this is a singular term will, once again, give the game away.

If, however, you allude to there being numerous people and departments at your company then people will start to paint a picture of what your company looks like.

Other things you can do is add different email addresses and operate out of these. So have a sales@blahblah and a design@blahblah and whatever else.

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