What Is Magneto and How Can You Use It to Your Business’ Advantage?


The popularity of E-commerce has skyrocketed over the last decade or so. Just look at the success of internet giant Amazon!

This company has essentially put thousands of bookstores out of business due to its profound success and consumer appeal. Not to mention taking millions of other items online, many with next day or even same day delivery available.

So, if you want to jump on the trend and take your store online, it’s time to get started now! Testing the waters of online commerce can be fairly daunting.

So it’s always good to use a ready-made platform that will help you to get set up. For now, let’s focus on Magento. Here’s everything you need to know about the platform and how to best use it to your own business’ advantage.

Getting to Know Magento

Chances are that you haven’t heard of Magento before. But that’s the point. The company puts your company first. Their focus is on helping you to create the best E-Commerce site for your needs.

Believe it or not, Magento is actually the world’s number one E-Commerce platform. Every year it handles over $100 billion in gross merchandise volume!

It is recognized as a leader in its field by the 2017 review of the Internet Retailer Top 1000, B2B 300, and Europe 500 lists. So, what puts it above the rest?

Well, the platform successfully integrates digital and physical shopping experiences, meaning that the customer gets the best of both worlds.

This creates a rich, unique, engaging and limitless shopping experience for the consumer market you’re going to be engaging with.

The brand’s high standing also means that when you use it, you gain the advantage of support from a global ecosystem of partners, merchants, and developers who are associated with the company.

Setting Up Your Site

When it comes to setting up your Magento site, you can go DIY. However, unless you have an in-depth knowledge of complex coding, you will quickly begin to struggle. Generally speaking, it’s better to outsource your web design to a web developer.

Sure, it might cost more than doing it yourself. But you’re likely to end up giving up and handing over responsibility to the professional sooner than later anyway. So save yourself time and get things done properly the first time around!

Then make use of the Best Magento Agency out there to take care of conversion optimisation, enterprise-level integrations, in-store solutions, and mobile commerce.

The specialist agency will make use their research to make the best decisions for your individual company. They use a data-driven approach to take the guesswork out of E-Commerce for you.

They also base everything that they do on a deep understanding of your target audience. Once you’re set up, you’re good to go and won’t need to alter your web page and web design for a while!

Maintaining Your Site

Once your webpage is set up, you need to maintain it. This means regularly checking your page to ensure that there aren’t any problems with how it is running.

Remember that your page will be active twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, year round. So a daily check shouldn’t be too much hassle bearing in mind how much business you’re likely to bring in through it.

If a problem arises and you don’t rectify it immediately, you could lose out on return visits, sales, and profit. Ensure that there is a contact page or links to your business email so that customers can get in touch should they be experiencing difficulties.


Consider Mobile Optimisation


Remember that many people don’t access websites through laptops or computers. Nowadays, increasing numbers of consumers search for online products and services through their smartphones and tablets.

So you need to ensure that your webpage is optimised for viewing through these devices too! Take a look at your consumer base and work out how the majority are accessing your site.

As you begin to expand and move forward, you can then accommodate those who are logging in to alternative devices. This can easily be requested as an upgrade through your agency.

Whether you currently operate entirely through a tangible brick and mortar store and are planning on setting up online for the first time ever, or you’re already operating online but are looking for a new platform to better meet your company’s needs, Magento is a promising option available to you!

Simply follow the above advice to get your E-commerce journey started on the right foot!

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