3 Ways to Make Sure Your Online Payments are Secure

lockAs we use the internet more to make payments, it’s become clear that we need to keep educated about the latest security issues on the web.

From eCommerce sites to online casino resources, there’s been a massive uptake in endeavors that seek to provide a safe and secure financial transaction. If you’ve been watching the news, it seems as if you hear about people getting their payment information stolen all the time.

I had recently tried to steal my PayPal account information.  I am thankful I had two-factor authentication in place, or I could have lost everything.

So, to help you stay more secure online, I will share three things you should be looking for before you make your next online purchase.

#1 Padlock symbol

Thankfully, our web browsers will include a few easy ways to check whether a website is safe. One of the quickest things to check is to see whether there’s a padlock symbol next to the website address in your browser bar.

This ‘site identify’ button means that the website is secure and won’t be a malicious site trying to access your personal information.

Unfortunately, many people still don’t notice this symbol, so Google has redesigned its security warnings to add more security to your web endeavors.

#2 Website address

httpsAnother thing to consider is the website address. An address that begins with https:// will mean that the website is secure, and such security features are vital for sites like Red Flush online casino to ensure that its clients can enjoy playing their games of roulette, blackjack, and poker with complete confidence.

The fact that Red Flush also has the padlock symbol in the address bar means that gamers can also click on the symbol and find out further details about the security system regarding privacy, cookies, and all other connection details that are critical when dealing with the potentially large amounts of money that can be won at such gaming sites.

#3 Valid Certificates

lock for codeAs security is of utmost concern to any web user, there’s also a range of certificates that the site can display. These can be found by clicking on the padlock, and they will reveal information about who registered the site.

So, if any information is displayed suggesting warnings about the certificate, proceed very carefully.

It’s also essential to check through the website to ensure it’s a legitimate business with contact details and a physical address. Furthermore, companies should always display how they are addressing security concerns. With brands like Red Flush Casino using 128-bit SSL digital encryption, it’s clear that the fight against hackers and malicious threats is becoming evermore sophisticated.

But even with such innovative security features, there are still a few fail-safe options for the consumer. Always use a complex password when registering your account, and remember that paying for products should be done on a credit card when possible, as these offer the most excellent customer protection.

Final Thoughts…

So, what are you doing to make sure that your payments stay secure online so they don’t fall into the hands of criminals?  Share your thoughts and comments below.

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