Social Media and Sales- What You Need to Know to Succeed

Nearly 80 percent of Americans actively use social media, according to Statista data.

For businesses, this massive number means plenty of opportunities to interact with customers and get their products in front of millions of people who may have otherwise not yet heard of their brand.

If you’re struggling to launch your brand on social media and start boosting engagement, keep reading to learn the tips and tricks you need for success.


Build a Brand

Your business’ brand is important. From the font style on your advertisements to the tone of voice you use in your content, your brand says a lot about what your business is all about. It’s also the thing that clients come to connect with; when they find a brand that aligns well with their own personal values, they’ll begin to feel a loyalty to it.

Your social media presence is a great place to build that brand. You have a chance to convey it through images and words in a way that’s more casual than your website or other business content. Be mindful of sticking to your brand; if your photos and style of posts don’t match, customers won’t recognize them as belonging to your company.

If you partner with an established company such as Amway, you won’t have to worry about finding products that align with your business’ brand. Amway’s range of products has solutions for every style. How does Amway work? With its direct sales business model, it helps connect business owners to tools and resources to start their own company, and products that customers will love!


Showcase Your Products in a Natural Way

Building brand awareness isn’t the only thing that social media is good for. It’s also a great way to make sure that your customers see your newest products.

If you do choose to showcase products on social media, there are a few things you need to be sure of. First, your posts still need to reflect your brand. Otherwise, any brand awareness you’ve already built up won’t do you any good. You should also go beyond simply listing a product. Instead, show customers the difference it could make in their lives.


Know Your Audience

The age of your target customers has an effect on which social media platforms are likely to be the most effective for your business. The most popular social media platforms attract the following age groups:

  • Nearly a quarter of all Facebook users are between the ages of 18 and 34
  • Over 35 percent of Twitter users are between the ages of 18 and 29, while another 25 percent are between the ages of 30 and 49
  • Just under 60 percent of Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 29


Keep Your Customer Service Top-Tier

Social media is far from a stagnant marketing tactic. Because users can like, follow, comment, share, and otherwise interact with your posts, you need to be prepared to respond. This is true even when the comments are negative.

Keeping your customer service top-tier when dealing with Instagram followers on social media is a must. One study found that a whopping 71 percent of people who had a positive interaction with a brand on social media was likely to recommend that company to someone else.

Social media may have changed the game of recommendations from friends and family. But if businesses understand this and keep their customer service on point, this shift can be a huge asset to their company.


Launching Your Business on Social Media

While social media can seem intimidating at first, it’s actually an easy way to market your business and it’s products, even on a tight budget. And once you narrow your audience, build your brand, and make sure that your customer service is top-notch, you’ll be ready to start growing your online following, and with it, your customer base!

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