4 Reasons Why A Redesigned Website Could Make You Money

By Pexels

There comes a time when it’s a good idea to go for a complete website redesign.

We’re all guilty of allowing our sites to get out of hand and suddenly find they aren’t updated as much as they should be.  I’d show what the previous version of this site looked like but frankly I’m just to embrace to show it.

However you can look it up if you go on the Wayback Machine.


Designs change all the time, and it doesn’t take very long before your website looks like more of a relic than an attention-grabber!

Redesigning your website is almost as time-consuming as creating a new one. Website redesigns are a money-making tool when implemented effectively, but you’ll have to put in the work to make it happen.

Here’s a list of things to consider.


#1 The Professionals Can Help

The first thing I would suggest if you’re planning a huge redesign is to enlist the help of experts. You might have done this already when you first created the website.

Although you’ll now have the tools to redesign to your heart’s content, there are a lot of factors involved in any redesign. Spend a bit of extra money now and you’ll make more in the future.

You’re going to have to alter lots of things behind the hood as well, and they’ll understand how to do that. Site migration isn’t an easy thing to accomplish, and the results could be disastrous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

I’ve hired people to help through almost all of my site redesigns and they’ve always been helpful at spotting things and I’ve also it nice to have someone on call to help me make some minor cosmetic changes.

If I had to do all this myself I think I’d go crazy, besides that having someone there to help me saves so much time.  So if you want one reason to hire a professional do just to save your time and aggravation.


#2 You Can Inform Everyone!

When you’re planning to redesign your website, it’s a great chance to promote your brand.

Send out emails to your customers and clients informing them of the change. It might just refresh their mind and encourage them to check out your new site.

Put a post on your social media platforms about it as well; you never know who might see it. You might even want to pay Facebook a bit of money to promote it on your behalf to a wider audience.

The weird thing about this is that whenever I mention this on social media it seems to bring a small bit of traffic because it drives curiosity and people want to see what’s changed.


#3 SEO Will Get You More Hits

You know how I mentioned about “lots of things behind the hood”? SEO is one of the most crucial examples of this.

If you’re adamant that you’re redesigning your site on your own, SEO must come into play. This will ensure your site continues to rank highly in search engine results.

You want to make a design around SEO and play to its strengths. If you’re confused about this, it’s worth leaving it for the experts to manage. There’s no point having a website if no one can find it, and you’ll be missing out on potential profits as a result.

In my last site redesign I went with a mobile design and believe it or not this means a lot when it comes to SEO mobile rankings.  In fact my traffic went up 15% to 20% because of that one change.


4# You Can Plan Migration In Advance

Work with your team to plan for the best way to migrate over to the new design or domain (or both).

Ideally, you want to do it when people aren’t going to be looking at it. There might be some downtime involved, or potentially you could get up and running almost instantly.

Plan it out effectively, and inform customers and clients if you’re expecting the website to be offline for a period of time.  I ended up doing mine late at night however that wasn’t the issue, it was the amount of planning I had to do before I did the migration.

One way to organize this is to put a spreadsheet together with all the documentation you need in one place.  This way things go smoothly and if you end up having any problems it will make it easy to revert back and also see your progress.


Are You Planning to Redesign Your Website?

Websites are a key element of your digital brand. You’ll be losing out on money if you neglect them, and they remain out of date. Take the steps now to reinvent your website and profit in the long run.

I know I waited way to long on my last update and as a result I’ve left a lot of money on the table.  So if you’re planning to redesign your site what improvements are you planning to make, and if you’ve recently updated your sites design what have you learned from doing it?

Share your thoughts and comments below.


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