The Amazon Price Change – Plus A $500 Giveaway

Today I have a special treat for you, because I am co-hosting my first giveaway.  However before I get into the finer details about this awesome giveaway I have a really cool online shopping tip that I’ve been researching the last few days.

The Amazon Price Change

Everyone knows who Amazon is these day and that they sell damn near everything from books to your latest tech gadget.  However did you know that the prices on many of Amazons products will change on an ongoing basis.

In fact, prices on certain products can fluctuate on a per minute basis, especially during certain times of the year, such as the Christmas Holiday shopping season.  To prove my point I picked one product and monitored it for several hours and took several screen shots to show you just how much this is really happening.

In this case I chose the new iPad as my guinie pig.  Below is a screen shot I took of the ipad at 3pm and as you can see the price is $519.99.



However 3 hours later at 6pm I refreshed the page and the price actually dropped to $513.00, and cut $7 off the price of a brand new ipad just like that.  Pretty dang cool if you ask me.


Finally, I took one final screen shot 6 hours later at exactly midnight and the price had changed yet again but back up to $519.89, still 10 cents less than the original asking price.


Now that we know that the price can fluctuate on a pretty regular basis you might be wondering how to track these price changes, after all nobody wants to sit around all day on their computer watching prices change on Amazon.

So in order to keep track of these price changes as they happen simply add the product to your Amazon shopping cart and Amazon will automatically send you email updates as the product price changes.

 $500 Giveaway By

Now that we know how easy it can be to save a few bucks with Amazon, how about $500 to buy that new ipad on Amazon to boot.  Today I’m co-hosting an awesome giveaway with and the top prize is $500 sent straight to you via Paypal.  The contest will run to the 25th of February 2013.

So take some time to sign up for the giveaway today and maybe you could have $500 extra cash in your pocket. Click the link to sign up for a Rafflecopter giveaway now.

This giveaway has now ended.

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  1. I did not know that they would send you an email about the pricing if you have it in your cart, I’ll have to remember that. This is just another reason why Amazon is just killing everyone else when it comes to buying things online.

  2. I totally agree John Amazon puts most other ecom sites to shame, in fact it’s probably one of the few places I shop online because they make things so damn easy.

  3. This is really interesting Chris! Have you been able to determine what causes the price fluctuations? I am a big Amazon shopper and am definitely going to have start monitoring price changes in my cart. Like John, I din’t know they will send email price updates. Pretty cool. Thanks for co-hosting this, hope to do it again soon!

  4. That’s a good question Kyle, I’m not really sure why that exactly happens. However if I had to take a good it would be because of supply and demand. If you look at the first and the third picture I took you notice that they only have a certain number in stock which means they price has gone up. On the other hand the second picture I took just says in stock which makes be believe that the shorter the supply gets the higher the price goes.

  5. Thanks Grayson, this is my first giveaway and it’s been awesome so far. I defiantly like to co-host a giveaway again if I get the opportunity, and maybe even do my own giveaway at some point but my funds are fairly limited at this point with building a house right now.

  6. Great tip Chris! I knew their prices fluctuated cause I’ve received their emails. But I never knew it could be that often in a 24 hour period. I’ll definitely keep this in mind for my next purchases.

  7. Yeah it’s crazy how much it can really change. I just wonder how much it changes on a minute by minute basis especially during the Christmas season. I’ve also heard that clothes and electronics tend to change the most however I’ve never tested the idea.

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