Who Are The World’s Richest Leaders?


With great power comes great responsibility. I’m sure that we all know that, and it’s something that world leaders are aware of all too well. But responsibility isn’t the only thing that power brings with it. It can also bring a whopping great paycheck too!

In fact, some of today’s world leaders and politicians are some of the richest people in the world. Just take a look at the following ones for example.


Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi


Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi is the leader of Ras Al Khaimah, which is one of the United Arab Emirates. When you think of the UAE you instantly think of rich Sheikhs, and this one is certainly no different.

He has certainly put his great wealth to good use as the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah has changed drastically under his rule, certainly for the better. During his rule, the numbers of tourists heading to this emirate have increased significantly, so the whole region’s wealth has improved as a whole.


Donald Trump


He may not be one of the most popular world leaders to ever lead a country, but the American President Donald Trump is certainly one of the wealthiest. In fact, his wealth as of 2018 stands at a massive $3.1 billion.

Of course, Trump’s acquired the bulk of his wealth before he entered office as he was an extremely successful businessman. Not only has he amassed huge profits from his hotels and other business ventures, but his profile and money also rocketed after he started presenting The Apprentice. If Trump gets in for another term as US president, who knows how far his wealth will rise?!


Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un has been the Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 when he took over the throne after the death of his father. As North Korea is always increasingly private about any interior knowledge, it is difficult to know Kim Jong Un’s true net worth.

But based on some UN statistics and the country’s spending levels, many experts place his worth at somewhere between $7-10 billion. Whether he is putting all that cash to good use or not is widely speculated, though, as we all know how eyebrow-raising North Korea’s nuclear weapon is!


Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom may be one of the well-known monarchs in the whole world, but her wealth doesn’t stand up to the leaders that have already been mentioned in this blog post. She’s worth $600 million, which is still very rich by most people’s standards, but it’s something that the likes of Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump would sniff at. It’s not like the queen hasn’t worked hard for her cash, though. She’s been on the British throne since 1952 and has been busy with various matters of state ever since. In fact, even at the grand old age of 92, it looks like nothing is going to slow her down just yet!


Maha Vajiralongkorn

Even though Thailand may not be one of the richest countries in the world, it’s a leader is certainly one very wealthy individual. Maha Vajiralongkorn only ascended to the throne a couple of years ago back in 2016 but he is still worth a cool $30 billion. In fact, he is widely regarded as the second-wealthiest world leader behind someone who we still haven’t mentioned yet.


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???????? สมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวมหาวชิราลงกรณ เสด็จพระราชดำเนินไปในการทรงวางพวงมาลาถวายราชสักการะ พระราชานุสาวรีย์ สมเด็จพระมหิตลาธิเบศร อดุลยเดชวิกรม พระบรมราชชนก เนื่องในวันมหิดล วันคล้ายวันสวรรคต 24 กันยายน 2561 ณ โรงพยาบาลศิริราช เขตบางกอกน้อย กรุงเทพมหานคร —- His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn of Thailand laid the wreath to homage at the statue of Prince Mahidol Adulyadej, Prince Father (Father of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej) marked Mahidol Day 2018, the anniversary of passing on 24 September 2018 at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand. —- Photos: Matichon #สมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว #สมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวมหาวชิราลงกรณ #วชิราลงกรณ #vajiralongkorn #kingvajiralongkorn #ramax #ในหลวง #ราชวงศ์จักรี #chakridynasty #ไทย #ประเทศไทย #thailand ????????

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King Harald

Have you ever heard of King Harald?

The chances are probably not, as this is one monarch who likes to keep himself to himself. King Harald rules over Norway and has done so since 1991. Even though it isn’t near the top of any world leaders’ wealth lists, he still has a vast amount of cash in the bank. In fact, he’s worth around $30 million, and that’s not bad going for being sovereign of one of the world’s smaller countries!


Vladimir Putin

I’m sure that, by now, you’ve probably already guessed who the richest world leader is. Of course, it’s Russia’s Vladimir Putin! He tops most lists when it comes to wealth as he is worth a staggering $70 billion. No one is entirely sure how Putin has managed to amass so much wealth, and some experts believe that there has been some corruption going on behind the scenes.

So, were you surprised to read about the wealth of some of these richest leaders? You might have been expecting to see some of the names in this list but some might have been a big surprise!

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