Reasons to Hire a Lawyer for Workplace Injuries

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Minor incidents at home, such as pulling a muscle or spraining your ankle, are things you can deal with on your own. But what happens if you get gravely injured at work?

You could lose a limb, incur hefty medical bills, and maybe even need further treatment. Such injuries could derail your entire career and change your quality of life altogether.

This is an entirely different scenario, one that needs to be handled by a professional.

A workers’ compensation lawyer is the person you should call in such instances. He can help you secure the benefits that cover you under the workers’ compensation law.

This type of insurance for employees is funded either by employers, or more commonly, insurance agencies. When companies deny that one of their employees has suffered a serious injury at the workplace, or if the insurance claim is rejected, a workers’ compensation attorney can help victims get their due.

Here are some undeniable ways in which such lawyers can help people involved in workplace-related injuries and lawsuits.


1. When there is a pre-existing condition

When someone has a pre-existing health condition, it may be used against them as an excuse to deny them their insurance benefits. Employers or the insurance companies themselves may claim that the incident was caused because of the health condition and not an accident at the workplace.

But a lawyer can explain to you that pre-existing conditions do not disqualify anyone from receiving their compensation benefits.

2. Compensation is delayed or denied

A vast majority of people whose workers’ compensation claims fail or are denied never pursue their case. They lose out on their benefits simply because they do not want to deal with complicated legal matters.

An attorney can take care of the entire process for you, negotiate with and argue on your behalf, and ensure that you get the compensation amount you are entitled to, even if your claim was initially denied.


3. The injury does not allow you to work for an extended time

Sometimes, people may lose a limb or incur other severe injuries in serious workplace accidents. For instance, someone at a factory may have gotten their hand or leg stuck inside a machine.

This can undeniably cause unimaginable physical and mental pain and loss, not to mention a mountain of medical expenses. And often, companies and insurance agencies will look for loopholes to avoid paying you a considerable amount of money.

In such cases, a workers’ compensation lawyer can fight to get you the financial and medical aid you will need in the long term.


4. The settlement does not cover all your expenses

There are chances that the settlement amount you receive will not sufficiently cover all your expenses. This is especially true in cases of permanent disability benefits, which are based mainly on a rating system by the examining medical professionals.

A comp lawyer can help file a claim on your behalf to convince a judge that you deserve higher compensation.


5. During third-party claims

Many folks know that a part of the compensation program is designed to protect employers from civil lawsuits. Nevertheless, there are instances where a civil claim is not just valid but also necessary.

For example, suppose you were injured because of a defective piece of machinery at work. You are now entitled to claim against the manufacturer of that product and your employe

Such types of claims typically bring larger settlements because you can seek economic as well as non-economic relief.

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