These 3 Things Are Likely Attracting Pests in Your Property
As a homeowner, you probably put a lot of time, effort, and money into making your home a place where your family can feel safe and comfortable. The last thing you want is to share it with unwanted guests.
Pests are the biggest enemies of homeowners. Once they settled in your property, pests can cause considerable damages to your home that can affect your health and financial situation.
You may be taking several precautions to reduce pest activities on your property, including consulting with a professional pest control company, but these annoying critters are quite cunning. They can easily outsmart homeowners, especially those who are too negligent in house maintenance.
The market offers plenty of solutions to get rid of pests on your property. Just some of the methods used by services similar to this frisco wildlife removal company include traps, fogs, and insecticides. While pest removal services are very useful in removing pests at home, many homeowners still struggle to prevent pests from entering places they shouldn’t be.
Most homeowners are willing to invest in pest prevention by hiring mosquito and pest control services. Instead of relying on commercial products, homeowners turn to cost-effective and all-natural systems to tackle their mosquito and pest problems.
Aside from pest prevention methods, it’s also essential to determine factors that attract pests to your home. If this happens, you will need to extract them humanely.
Check out these three main things that contribute to pest infestation.
1. Excess moisture
Dampness or excess moisture attracts pests of all kinds. Humans need water to survive, and so do pests. Excess moisture and water around the house encourage a variety of pests to seek haven right in your home.
Termites require moist environments, particularly damp wood termites. They need constant water, so they prefer infusing wood with more moisture.
Dripping air conditioning units attract wasps that forage for water, while gutters, downspouts, and standing water are ideal habitats for pesky mosquitoes. Meanwhile, some rodents linger under leaky sinks and near dripping faucets.
Pests can survive for a month on water alone, so even if the house is free from food residue, you may unknowingly provide sustenance to pests by allowing excess moisture to linger.
Foregoing maintenance checks for your plumbing system is a common mistake among homeowners that can potentially attract pests. It also includes clogged and unused drains, where flies prefer to breed. To keep these pests away, clean and repair all the damp breeding grounds, such as the sink, faucets, basement, bathrooms, tub, and laundry room.
2. Clutter
Have you ever been inside an abandoned house or any uninhabited property? These places are major breeding grounds for a wide range of pests, from spiders, termites, mosquitoes, rodents, and other insects that like to drive in dark and filthy areas.
Although our homes are nowhere near abandoned properties, most of us are guilty of having dark, cluttered spaces in our homes. While this may seem obvious, most ignore that clutters are the major cause of pest infestation. An unkempt house makes the perfect place for pests to hide, including the items we leave lying around the floor.
The same thing goes for dirty dishes and spilled food. Some of us are also guilty of being too lazy to clean the dishes and kitchen appliances. If you have little kids, they spill food and leave food crumbs more often around the house. Although these things happen, even the tiniest mess can attract bugs, ants, and cockroaches.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain regular house cleanups. It’s important to clean areas with abundant clutter, spills, crumbs, and food remnants. When cleaning, make sure to include all the nooks and crannies of your furniture, appliances, and the deepest corners of the house. You’ll never know where those pests are taking all your stolen food!
3. Poor garden maintenance
More people are joining the gardening bandwagon, but not everyone knows that too much greenery makes an ideal shelter for pests.
If you have plenty of trees and shrubs around the house, make it a habit to trim back any shrubbery or tree branches that touch your home. Pests use branches as their ‘bridge’ to find their way inside the house. That’s why it’s important to eliminate these branches to prevent pests from reaching your property.
Likewise, lining the perimeter of your property with mulch attracts termites looking for moist ground. Prevent them from taking shelter using less pest-attractive ground cover such as stones or rocks instead of mulch.
Pests not only cause distress and havoc but are a very costly problem to homeowners. Although these habits are understandably tough to kick, prevention can make a difference in comfortable home living.
If pest infestation is more than you can handle, contact a pest control company to get the best solution for your pest-infested property.