5 Tips to Making Your Events Company The Life Of The Party

If you love nothing more than making high-profile engagements go smoothly and you can handle plenty of responsibility and pressure, then running an events company might just be the perfect fit for you.

However, it is a demanding business to work in, so having a few pointers on how to do it more efficiently and effectively, from finding leads to staying in control of your team, can help a great deal.

Here are a few tips on running an events company, whether you’re in management or planning.

#1 Building Your Connections

Once you’ve got the business off the ground with the plan and funding you need, it’s all about knowing how to win leads. Marketing will help, as we will cover later, but in events, it’s all about who you know, even more so than other industries. 

Having access to high-quality event equipment can also set you apart. For instance, if you’re organizing large-scale gatherings or corporate functions, considering LED wall rental in Hawaii can enhance visual presentations and create a more engaging experience for attendees.

Networking online can help, but you have the best opportunity to make an impression by meeting in person. In fact, what better way to show how you know your stuff than by hosting your own business networking event?

You will get the opportunity to spread your name, and build leads and referrals all while managing an event to show that you do, in fact, have the skills you’re trying to sell.

#2 Know What People You Need Around You

If you’re in events planning, then most of the expertise is going to come directly from you, and it’s all about having connections with vendors and event staff you can source in a moment’s notice.

If you’re running an events management crew, however, then you have to know how to effectively hire the best kind of event staff, as shown at Event Manager Blog. Not only do you need plenty of hands on deck, but you need to make sure they supplement the skills you don’t have.

Finding an event staff agency that’s able to provide access to all the experienced team members you need can streamline the task of finding the right people every time a new event pops up, too.

#3 Have the Right Management Tools in Place

If you’re running an events management company, it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day of finding and talking with clients, looking for new team members for an upcoming event, managing the schedule, tracking time and so on.

All of this can cause you to take your eye off the actual running of events itself, which means you can miss things you shouldn’t. Tools like the Crewapp make it a lot easier to manage the different aspects of your team, helping on attracting, hiring, and retention of your crew.

Make it easier to manage your team and you will have a lot more time to spend living up to your clients’ expectations, instead.

#4 Find Your Niche

The events industry is growing, which means that there are plenty of planning and management teams rising up to create some stiff competition, as well.

Providing the best services possible can help you stay competitive, but so too can ensuring you find a field in which your rivals may not be competing as fiercely. There are a lot of different niches for an events business to fit, from weddings to hospitality suites, corporate events to festivals, awards nights to fundraisers.

You don’t have to exclusively cater to your niche, of course, but if you give those services more of a platform and market them more strongly than your competitors, it can help you capture a lot of the market that they might be ignored with ease.

#5 Get the Word Out

Networking and building referrals through those you know are going to help you establish representation for your business, but you shouldn’t neglect the need to effectively market your business, either.

As shown at Planning Pod, social media marketing is just as important a part of your marketing plan.

These platforms offer the opportunity to post videos and pictures as well as written content, meaning you can show your team in action and show the results directly from the event, as well as reach out to companies and individuals who are talking about looking for events teams.

Search engine optimization is a great way to make sure that relevant customers are more easily finding your brand when searching online for event services, too.

The events industry is a growing one, with more and more networking events, trade shows, concerts, weddings, and more in need of planning and the staff to help make them a success. Make sure you get your piece of the party pie with the above tips.

What are you doing to make your company event the life of the party?

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One Comment

  1. When looking to host an event, those event production companies that make use of a crewapp to help them manage their internal processes like determining staff availability, communicating with staff, tracking their time, and paying them are the companies that are innovative with their internal processes, so they are sure to be innovated with your event as well. More importantly, their prices are going to be more competitive as they are not wasting a ton of time and money with internal craziness. https://www.lasso.io/crew-app/

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