6 Key Tips to Turning Your Website’s Visitors Into Customers


Many companies make the mistake of focusing on hits rather than leads. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how many people are visiting your company website if none of these visitors are then converting into customers.

Here are some ways in which you can focus your marketing in order to attract the right kind of visitors and then persuade them to buy into your business.


#1 Optimize for the right keywords

Keywords play an essential part in getting the right people to land on your site. A popular SEO mistake is to optimize keywords that could be misinterpreted such as ‘new glasses’ which could attract people looking for spectacles when your site may sell wine glasses.

Try to focus on more specific keywords and terms as well as general ones – these include long tail keywords such as ‘crystal wine glasses for special occasions’. On top of incorporating these into your website’s text, run ad campaigns and implement these keywords.

The likes of Google AdWords allow you to fine-tune the keywords that will cause your ad to display – you can even ensure that related keywords don’t cause your ad to show-up (i.e. your pencil case ad showing up when people are searching for ‘suitcases’).


#2 Ensure your website is user-friendly

Once you’ve got the right people coming to your site, you want to ensure that they stay. This means creating a user-friendly website that isn’t difficult to navigate.

Tools like Miva Merchant are excellent for creating a simple and effective web design that encourages people to buy into your product. Make sure that any text placed over images is readable and not too small when viewed on a phone.

Have a clear categories system and consider a search bar if you have lots of content on your site. If you’re not sure about your website’s user-friendliness, you can always hire someone to review it so that you can get a good idea of what needs improving.


#3 Communicate in layman’s terms

A lot of companies think that by using complex and technical terms, they will appear more professional and get more customers.

However, in many cases, customers prefer information in layman’s terms so that they can actually understand it – you could be putting people off who may not be sure if your offer the solution for them.

For example, don’t use ‘human resources procurement’ when ‘recruitment’ will do. If you do need to describe a complex scenario and are worried about making your website too wordy, you can always create a video to embed on your site that helps to explain the concept in a more engaging way.

Videos are becoming more popular and have proven to be an effective way of engaging customers.


#4 Show off your achievements

When checking that a company is credible, many potential customers will look for evidence of experience and past achievements.

Use your website as a chance to show off your achievements and gain people’s trust. Have a testimonials section or page detailing positive feedback that you’ve had from fans and consider doing case studies of big past projects and clients you’ve had.

If you have any qualifications or awards, make sure to mention these on your site.


#5 Advertise deals and unique products on your homepage

Hook people in straight away by featuring information about deals on your homepage. Even if visitors aren’t interested in that particular deal, the fact that your have promotions on your website could encourage many visitors to take a deeper look at your services and products.

You could even simply choose to highlight a unique product on your homepage that may not be discounted but could still catch people’s attention simply because it cannot be bought anywhere else.


#6 Go easy on the pop-ups

Pop-ups can force people to look at information, but as many of us know they can be annoying. Pop-ups could include ads, mailing list sign-up requests, and instant messaging chatboxes – avoid having too many of these pop-ups as visitors may get so irritated by them that they decide to look on another website.

As for those pop-ups that you do include, make sure that there’s an easy way to get out of these pop-ups rather than forcing visitors to hit the back button just to escape.

So what are you doing to optimize your website and convert more visitors?

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