7 Things You Might Not Have Considered Adding To Your Business
As a business owner, you are constantly thinking of new ways in which you can bring customers to your company alongside making sure that your customers are as satisfied as they can be.
If you’re new to the entrepreneurial game then it’s likely that you’ve not yet picked up some of the tips and tricks that other businesses use to help their companies run smoother and more successfully. In this article are a few ideas that you should consider adding to your business that you might not have thought about.
Applying these should help bring more customers in, keep custom, and also grow your business at the same time.
#1 Associate Yourself with a Charity
A great way to get the word around about your business is by associating yourself with a charity and donating a percentage of profits to them.
People who are passionate about that particular charity will want to see what you are about as a business, and are likely to support you too. Showing that as a business, you care is an important trait to be able to show to your customers and also potential clients looking to purchase your services or products.
You could even host fun days for anyone to attend and donate all proceedings to your charity of choice. And why stop at one charity? The more charities that you’re backing, the more of an honest, caring, and reliable company you will seem.
You will also gain perks from donating to charity as they are likely to send you supplies that you could use around the office as a thank you, and also news on how your donations have helped the charities cause.
Displaying this where all of your customers could see it will also make your reputation grow, so it’s definitely worth considering backing a charity.
#2 Have Your Policies in Order
One of the biggest mistakes that many businesses make is by not having their policies and procedures properly in order.
Customers like to be able to find these things online or even in store so that they know where they stand if a problem were to arise, and also how you deal with problems too.
It’s a worthwhile investment to buy yourself some software to manage your policies so that you can keep everything in order and update or edit them easily.
You will also be able to make your policies more available for people to find too, so this is something else that will go in your favor when it comes to members of staff looking for a bit of guidance, or even a disgruntled customer looking for some answers.
Do yourself and your business a favor by getting all of your guidelines and policies in order and in an easy to reach a place.
#3 Collaborate with Other Companies
We’ve spoken about associating with charities to boost your reputation and also do something good with a small number of your profits, but you can also choose to collaborate with similar companies to create bigger and better products for both of your customers.
Creating a partnership with another company will allow you to each use the skills of the others to make something that both businesses will profit from. Plus, when people see two well-known companies merging together for projects this will spark interest to see what the end product is like.
Approach some similar companies with some ideas and see if you can create a partnership that will do both businesses nothing but good!
#4 Give Your Customers a Voice
Another mistake that many businesses make is making it hard for their customers to speak to you, the boss of the company.
While it’s understandable that you have a list as long as your arm of things to do and complete, it’s also important to make yourself available for customers to approach you and certain times.
Create a slot in your schedule where customers can book appointments to come and see you to talk about anything bad they’ve experienced or even the good parts too!
Customer feedback is important to any company because it allows you to improve on the bad things, and reach even higher with the good aspects of your company.
#5 Open Up Call Lines
Of course, if your company is a little too large to be able to offer a face to face service with you, it might be an idea to open up some call lines that customers can ring to get help and give feedback to you.
There’s nothing worse than being annoying with something that you’ve purchased and not being able to do anything about it from the comfort of your own home, especially if where you purchased it from isn’t close by.
Make it easier for customers to get in contact with you so that you can create a good relationship with them, regardless of their reason for calling.
Being able to solve customers’ queries and complaints will save your business from losing out on any valuable customers, so a call line is definitely something to consider!
#6 Don’t Give Away to Much
While you want to seem like a friendly and generous company to purchase from, it’s also important to make sure that you’re not giving away too much to customers, otherwise, you could soon find yourself out of pocket and struggling financially.
Make sure that each ‘freebie’ that you’re giving out to your customers through special sales are accounted for with the price of each sale.
For example, buy two get one free work well in short periods of time because it’s likely that your customers would be buying an extra product just to get the free one. Keep all special offers to a limited time only so that customers rush in to make the most of the promotion.
Final Thoughts…
Running a successful business is far from an easy task, but by following a few simple tips and tricks you could soon find yourself raking in more profits for your company while growing your customer base and also making sure that the running of your business is as smooth as ever. Follow and apply these tips for changes you won’t regret your business!
So have you considered adding any of these things to your business?