Sound Financial Planning Isn’t As Difficult As You Might Expect


Common sense always prevails.

As a business leader, you are more than likely to agree with that statement. Making use of it, however, can be more difficult than you initially thought.

For this reason, it’s important to constantly refine your ability and keep yourself on top of the little tips and tricks which help you be a paragon of common sense in the first place. Sound financial planning isn’t as difficult as you might expect.

For the most part, successful people in this regard use logic, reasoning, and common sense to their advantage. When it comes to running a business, or simply keeping on top of your personal affairs, common sense can go a long way.

Money is a real, material resource which can grow and perish, so it’s important to not treat this like a ‘motivational guide.’ Your perceptions and affirmations do not determine the number displayed on the bank account. However, they do translate into attitudes you can take to managing your money with wisdom.

Here are a few we’d like to champion:



The benefits of saving are often celebrated, but how often do you use a structured approach to doing it yourself?

It’s easy to save towards a goal, but much more difficult to save money you have no immediate use for, in preparation for a long-term goal you can’t see right now.

A good way to begin this is to begin positive saving habits which you can automate, and not have to think about. Consider saving 10% of your income every single time you receive a paycheck, simply placed for emergency scenarios.

It’s also worth having at least half a month paycheck in tangible cash somewhere safe, secure and hard to access in your home, just in case you need to leave your home for whatever reason.

Using apps which can round up your purchases the nearest dollar or pound, as well as have a savings account directly draw from your main banking account on a regular basis can help you build up funds without you knowing.

As you become accustomed to living within the new allowance you have less your savings; you will often be surprised to see just how much money you have put away for a rainy day after a few months to a year pass.

Teach your kids the utility of doing this also. They are most likely to benefit from this attitude if they learn it early in life.



The free market exists for a reason. An innovative idea always spawns more copies of that product, especially ones cheaper than the most celebrated product on the market.

Consider shopping for supermarket own-brand goods. This is not difficult, as they are often placed on the same shelves as the big corporate hitters, for a fraction of the price.

Use coupon websites online to save plenty of money on your shop. Don’t be afraid of loyalty cards, and redeeming purchases when you desire. A little bit of extra effort here can save you hundreds of dollars a year.

This isn’t difficult, but it will take just a little more planning. The feeling of knowing you’ve gotten a great deal is often rewarded enough in these circumstances.



As mentioned before, it’s much easier to save when you have a goal to save for. So, why not always be saving for a goal, and planning your finances around that?

Much in the same way that personal challenges help define us and develop our personality, progressing towards a financial goal can help keep our finances disciplined.

Open up a sheet, and write your short-term purchases as in your weekly/monthly expenditures, as well as the luxury items you’d like to acquire this year.

Consider what you’d like to experience in the next five years. The next 10?

This way, you will be able to plan for, with realistic interpretation depending on your income and promotion prospects, how easily you’ll be able to reach your goals and the timeline you can expect them to be achieved in.

Planning is not difficult. It can be overwhelming to think of to begin with, but as you slowly begin to note down your dreams and financial aims, you will notice that they slowly begin to conform to a set plan which can help you tremendously in your future.

You’ll likely wonder exactly how you managed to waste so much money prior to this, in the little areas of life that don’t matter.

Going without avocado toast once a week could add up to purchasing that musical instrument you come to love one day, but you will never know unless you have solid financial planning ahead of you.

With this wisdom, your wallet is likely to be a friend to you, and not a foe.

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