Fancy Yourself a Property Developer? Check If You Have These Qualities First


It seems like people have finally caught on that working for another company will never make you as rich as you want to.

Thus begins their pursuit of a business, and while there are many different roads to take on your road to your first million, there’s nothing as promising as real estate.

This is because the property development market is always something in demand. You could be dealing in cakes, fidget spinners or even video games, but those are markets that will constantly shift and you will need to appeal to your audience and also adapt to trends.

While that’s not to say the property market has no trends, they’re a lot slower to develop and you can usually get into real estate with just your knowledge alone.


Do you know how to network?

As with any type of business, you need to know how to network with other companies and businesses in order to generate a list of clientele.

If you don’t, then you’re going to be stuck selling your properties through third parties that will take a huge chunk of your revenue, and this isn’t exactly desirable.

You need to know how to get in touch directly with buyers and sellers in order to trade property effectively.

If your social skills or networking skills aren’t up to scratch, then you might not have what it takes to become a successful property developer.

The internet is full of informative articles, such as this one at which will teach you all about business networking.


Do you know how to take advantage of opportunities?

Being able to see an opportunity when it arises is important, but being able to take advantage of said opportunity is even more crucial.

You don’t want to see something you can take advantage of and then wait too long. For instance, websites like offer beginners a great way to get into the property development market.

By renting out and renovating homes, you build up a portfolio that will help you get started in the world of real estate.

Although the money you make goes to a third party (hence reducing your overall profits) you need to take advantage of anything that can help you build up experience and an investment portfolio.


Do you know how to handle risks?

Property development is a type of investment. You can pour as much money you want into something that is “sure” to make money, but there’s always a very small chance that your project will end up making you no profit at all.

If you’re unable to stomach this, then you have no place being a property investor. You need to understand that every investment carries some inherent risk and you have to be able to reduce your losses when you undertake a project that has gone sour.

Without this mindset of minimizing losses, you’ll end up crumbling under the pressure and stressing over your losses.

Yes, it’s a lot of money to lose, but you need to remember that every successful property developer has, at some point in their lives, failed with a project as well.

It’s how you handle those failures that will define your success.

So are you interested in getting into property development?  If so what interest you so much about it, and if not what’s stopping you?  Share your thoughts and comments below.


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